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  1. F

    Powdery Mildew !!!

    I research a little and a friend give me a huge info. I do not spray ever with water again... He sayd and a YouTube guy also that the PM Lowes Humidity for Germination! So if i don't have sprayed maybe never PM are in my Room... So, i removed 1 weak plant with PM and the rest has a great airflow...
  2. F

    Powdery Mildew !!!

    That's Horrific!!! How is the chance the other are not considered?? It's Fucks my Brain! I thought it is Easy to fight PM but it's comes back.
  3. F

    Powdery Mildew !!!

    Hi, I have a problem with PM.... I make a huge mistake and not throw my first plants out where i have seen this first after 15 days later on nothink helps no Peroxide no ph water over 8.0 it always comes back! My problem are now my new plants 1 from 6 showing little PM signs a friend told me to...
  4. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    Yeah i spray with lights are on... A friend told me never spray anything on it and if a plant has Mildew throw the plant out because she is not strong enough and he is right my infested plant is the weekest from all 6 and i dont want any action again i will throw her out and i will not spray...
  5. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I will throw out the Mildew infested sour cookie out she will infest my other healthy plants so fuck with it out her and hope for the best
  6. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    I know but after spraying this happens
  7. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    I have a question I make a spray solution with Peroxide/RO 5:1 after a Spraying yesterday the Plants looking like that Pisst me of the solution maybe was to strong.
  8. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I transplanted all yesterday in Solo Cups
  9. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Nope, but i look for it. I have bought yesterday on ebay "Propolis" it's a Tincture of Alcahol and a Natural Fungicide Beese made to protect the Baby Beese. Google it "Propolis"
  10. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    You right bro
  11. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I wish my lady's turn out half as yours <3
  12. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    But not available in Europe
  13. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I think i throw her away the infested "sour cookie" she is the weekest from all 6 ore the one behind from all 6 what you think? The sour cookies over her are a leaf pair behind so why not keeping the strongest and throw the weekest with the Mildew away?
  14. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Fan blowing 24 hours
  15. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    I will order this fungicide
  16. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    Humidity swings from 45-60% Temps between 20-25 a Day and little under 19 Celsius at night. Fans Blowing 24 Hours. Pics from the Setup i will Post later
  17. F

    Powdery Mildew don't go away

    I freak out my new seedlings have a infestation with Powdery Mildew :( my older Grow i dealing with this Shit and i thought i have won the battle and now i see a Spot on my New Seedling Plant that's makes my Nervous.... What can i do now? I don't want to Spray the Rest of the Grow :( Here you...
  18. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I have a problem folks :( I have a infestation with Powdery Mildew on my GPS Plants :( my last Grow i have this problem but i thought it is gone but now i see a new Spot on my GPS Plant. I try ph water over 8.0 on my last Plants also Milk but no think helps really.
  19. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Sour Cookies, Ice cream punch
  20. F

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Yeah, i know :) i will will let them Grow in Cups little longer and than i will put all in 3 Liter Tekku Container. Topping them, LST them, Cropp them, and then i will Flower them. My Go are small Plants that fill the space i think Coco is great for that in small container size pots. I hope my...