Search results

  1. East Coast

    Marijuanna drug test pass or fail?

    I passed with a faint line. But yours still looks to faint. All I do is drink water and stop smoking. I am sure those detox things just empty your wallet.
  2. East Coast

    Help Me Make My 400watt Cab Better

    Insulating your grow will help. Can not help but to think, that custom wood is like being a heat sink, from sitting in the main room? The photo that is showing the split, what does that do? A 90 degree split - not causing a vortex or something stupid like sucking or doing nothing at all? You...
  3. East Coast

    Help Me Make My 400watt Cab Better

    Does the hood fan, cycle with the grow room temp, OR stay on while the light is on?
  4. East Coast

    Last minute grow outdoor

    So, the 3 bigger ones under the plastic, went into the ground on the second day of 2015, was hungover still. The 3 smaller + bucket, went into the ground about 3 weeks later, so nearly February-ish. Southern hemisphere, New Zealand. Normally if outdoor, they would of went in around November...
  5. East Coast

    Help Me Make My 400watt Cab Better

    What is the temperature of the room that is in?
  6. East Coast

    Easiest way to 100oz a year...

    60 oz per year from this simple 400w setup:
  7. East Coast

    Extra Heat

    What is the ambient temp of the room you're in or house?
  8. East Coast

    Tarp Zippers... Best invention ever.

    In some situations, when noise is an issue, they seem to be the loudest thing to unzip... :)
  9. East Coast

    400w, 1.0m2 Tent + Mother/Veg Tent Setup

    Thinking about filling with spray foam silencer, place a mock setup inside and fill, then carve out later.
  10. East Coast

    400w, 1.0m2 Tent + Mother/Veg Tent Setup

    Inside 1.0m2 grow room, showing: Oil fin heater, sealed light unit with 150mm fan, charcoal filter with white cloth around at the back. Tub = black tub with 8 containers in. Every 16 days, one goes in, and one has to come out. So, front left to right, then back left to right is the order of...
  11. East Coast

    400w, 1.0m2 Tent + Mother/Veg Tent Setup

    Square to round pots: 0.135mm sq x 0.150 long x 0.110mm round (bottom) 25lt reservoir, add Canna Flores and Ph up, as per instructions. 2lt white containers are filled up, 1 container does one Tub in the flowering tent. P.K bottle is added to the 2lt container, as required for each stage...
  12. East Coast

    almost caught fire, electrical question

    Lose connection on the phase pin inside the cheap chinese power board.. Loose connections generally will show heat discolouring to plastic over time...... :) I always tighten the copper bars inside with long nose pliers or some other have said, best policy, Hard Wire...
  13. East Coast

    Free Grow Software!

    Any way of taking the American way of showing date i.e; Month - day - year, and show it the correct way i.e; Day - Month - Year?
  14. East Coast

    What do you mean by 'data file'....specifically I cannot locate that inside the file?

    What do you mean by 'data file'....specifically I cannot locate that inside the file?
  15. East Coast

    Free Grow Software!

    Nope, another idea?
  16. East Coast

    Free Grow Software!

    Removed, still not working. Any other ideas?
  17. East Coast

    Free Grow Software!

    Just to be clear, I did not un-install it, just tried to this correct?
  18. East Coast

    Free Grow Software!

    Did not idea?