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  1. Larry {the} Gardener

    New England outdoors 2016

    Damn. Hope y'all going to be alright. The storm was just east of me. Not too bad here. Not really that much rain.
  2. Larry {the} Gardener

    Tropical Storm Coming

    Did everyone come through the storm alright? I had a few tree limbs down, but nothing else. I haven't been to all my patches, so I don't know if any of them got damage, but I'm guessing not.
  3. Larry {the} Gardener

    Guerrilla 2016

    Looking good Ruby. Are the clones going to your tent, or to your buddy's place?
  4. Larry {the} Gardener

    Fun in the sun

    I'm trying to do this on the cheap, so I cut corners where I can. Plus I don't have real grow shops around. I use Walmart and Lowe's. Don't want to order online stuff if I can get around it.
  5. Larry {the} Gardener

    Fun in the sun

    I use Epsom salts. I don't have a real cal/mag product. Also use about a tablespoon of brown sugar per plant the first half of bloom.
  6. Larry {the} Gardener

    Fun in the sun

    Yes. They still need N in early bloom. Assuming a 9 week flower, I use veg food 1st 3 weeks, 50/50 veg and bloom 2nd 3 weeks, then bloom food last 3 weeks.
  7. Larry {the} Gardener

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    It's sunny here, but the radar shows a certain amount of rain around. Since I'm at work, it all good no matter what it does. On paper, I had enough time between customers for a safety meeting. But customers came early, so my safety meeting was cut short. It will be an early evening though...
  8. Larry {the} Gardener

    Outdoor plants yellowing

    Legal term meaning Asked and Answered.
  9. Larry {the} Gardener

    Another Oregon Grow

    Take care of that back. I hurt mine 35 years ago, and never know when it's going to rear it's ugly head. Once I was OOC for a week from tying my shoes.
  10. Larry {the} Gardener

    Bag seed.... Day #???

    Eddy's advice on Neem is spot on. I'm fighting worms with some of my Bag Seed Testers right now. This is a bad year for worms down here where I'm at.
  11. Larry {the} Gardener

    Bag seed.... Day #???

    Looks pretty good. You may just have a late starting strain. And {for next year} more soil will always make things better. The same with Epsom salts. About a tablespoon a week should do for that size plant. And I don't stop veg nutes right away. The 1st 3 weeks of flower, I use veg nutes. 2nd 3...
  12. Larry {the} Gardener

    Decepticon 2k16 Outdoor

    It's really stacking up now.
  13. Larry {the} Gardener

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    How far are you from finishing? If you have 4-5 more weeks, go for it.
  14. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    I used some of the CP1 {#2BP} pollen on the young CP1. . . . . . . . . . even though she isn't very far into flower. Also hit the Slo2 again. I had dusted her before, but figured more seeds is more better. She is a little further along. One of the buds was wrapped up with some sort...
  15. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    From there I went to the BP patch with food and water. I cut the shoots off the CP1 {#2BP}. After two haircuts, he is still not short.
  16. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    After a few hours of wasting time with the cousins, I was able break free long enough to run over to checked on the Deer Ate CP1. I didn't give it any food or water. While it is still dying, it is doing it slow. I planned on dusting it with CP1 {#2BP} pollen, but we had a rain shower come...
  17. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    I had to tag along with the wife's cousins most of the day yesterday, but they do sleep in. So I got out early and checked on the FP patch. BST1 and BST2 #3 were both wrapped up with worms. I picked a shit ton of them off, then sprayed with Neem. The buds on these strains are closer together...
  18. Larry {the} Gardener

    Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

    Last year I had patches named CP {chicken pen}, BP {berry patch}, SOL {originally called Solo because it only had one plant. But it had so few seeds, I started calling it Shit Out of Luck}, GV {grape vine} and Slo {there is a sloe tree in the middle of the patch that was bent over from a big oak...
  19. Larry {the} Gardener

    nuggs 2016

    great picture.