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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    I did notice when grinding up the weed that i could smell the weed smell on my fingers, kinda sticky too
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    no mold - they werent jarred above 70% - i made sure to take them out of jars at the start till the humidity went down
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    yeah i might try it that way and see i dont mind too much - the high is really nice, would be nice to have that weed smell though
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    update on my curing: still a weird smell in the jars when opened, hard to describe, kinda like a chemically smell, tiny bit minty? humidity now between 52% and 58% depending on the jar i think where i fucked up was by not drying for long enough, too eager to get the stuff into jars and curing -...
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    hi :)

    hi :)
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    checking my jars every day - down to 61% now at what stage will i get an accurate weight total, around 50% ??
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    interesting theory, thanks
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    RH in jar at 63% - leave closed?

    hi have all my weed in sealed jars - hygrometer inside reads 63% so should i just leave them sealed for a few days and then open? the weed smell still isnt there yet, smells like hay kinda, stems are quite stiff but not cracking
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    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    excellent, thanks mate
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    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Is there anywhere an explanation of all the different terms/columns above that i could read? thanks
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    Did I harvest too late?

    Hi - i grew some Haze plants - i harvested them when there were some amber trichomes but i thought the majority of the trichomes were more clear/cloudy the high does seem less head and more body/relaxed however, the buds were cut only 4 days ago and Im starting to cure them - will it get...
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    How to arrange 6 x CXB3590 to cover 750mm by 750mm

    you know what thats a very good idea - I could just get 2 bars for each end parallel to the heatsinks, like top and bottom - then as you say, drill multiple holes if i need to 2 aluminium bars should be enough to hold the heatsinks, driver, COBs? what thickness aluminium should i be looking at...
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    How to arrange 6 x CXB3590 to cover 750mm by 750mm

    thanks - yeah i will be shoving 4 plants in there so it will be pretty full reason im asking is that i need to get some Aluminium angle to hold everything and therefore need to know dimensions before i buy it
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    How to arrange 6 x CXB3590 to cover 750mm by 750mm

    not sure im with you but leaving 18cm between edge of heatsink and tent will push the heatsinks closer together in the middle, is this what you are saying? that was kinda the way i had them space out originally (ive got a mock layout going on on my floor) Im kinda inclined to go the other way...
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    How to arrange 6 x CXB3590 to cover 750mm by 750mm

    Hi Im about to starting building my own LED fixture with 6 x CREE CXB3590 3000K, CB 36V, 80RA running off 1 x MW LED driver HLG-320H-C1400B Ive got 2 heatsinks, each 550m by 145mm was thinking if i left 150mm roughly between the heatsinks in the middle then id have about 150mm out to the edge...
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    got these - just a question, will the smell of the rubber gasket spoil the smell of the weed when curing?
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thanks mate
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Lads...jars for curing?? what you recommend and where are yis getting them? thanks!
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    What's wrong with my Sativa?

    I think N toxicity the leaves will be very green and the tips claw downwards - have a look at this page, might be helpful
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    What's wrong with my Sativa?

    I thought that leaf curl upwards was a deficiency - is it possible the time released nutes are gone and the plant is now lacking in something?