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  1. mccumcumber

    OaKsterdam Raided

    Great indoor is EVERYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA, doesn't matter where you are. Norcal has better outdoor, I've seen some Santa Cruz Mountains outdoor that will beat almost any other outdoor you could show me. There's also the triangle and Shasta all the way down to Tahoe region. Please don't start this...
  2. mccumcumber

    Advance math/physics sub thread

    That was really cool, thanks for sharing. Edit: Gavin Harrison sounds familiar... is he from porcupine tree?
  3. mccumcumber

    Advance math/physics sub thread

    I would have loved this when I had to write my math papers. Sub sections are the most organized way to do things. I vote yes. Plus, it would interesting to see if there are any other former math majors lingering around. Edit: Just noticed your location Ryan, I had myself a little chuckle.
  4. mccumcumber

    Finally!!! A law banning internet TROLLS!!!

    Looks like a senator's daughter/son got trolled on the interwebz and cried about it to daddy.
  5. mccumcumber

    Six Organizations Call on President Obama to End Unnecessary Assault on Marijuana

    The government makes money off of the DEA and raids. I think they figure they make more money off of prohibition than they would legalizing it. That and big pharma lobbyists make sure congress won't do anything to make mj legal. Writing letters to Obama is somewhat useless, but at least it gives...
  6. mccumcumber

    It's All Over Folks

    I'm aware of that. You might want to click on the link to see what I posted :) Edit: Also, I'm not voting for Republican or Democrat, so I don't see how I apply to your sample demographic.
  7. mccumcumber

    It's All Over Folks ^delegate count that shows if Ron Paul gets ALL the undeclared delegates, he might have a chance!
  8. mccumcumber

    Voting Ron Paul Because I Hate Terrorists

    I'm voting for Nader, because I enjoy breathing the air, drinking my water, and an intelligent President.
  9. mccumcumber

    OaKsterdam Raided

    That's interesting... really interesting. I'm pretty sure that will get shut down quick.
  10. mccumcumber

    OaKsterdam Raided

    I'm thinking it has something to do with taxes. I don't see why the IRS would be there otherwise. Maybe laundering. If we're going down the conspiracy road, it could be to prevent Lee to try to legalize pot again.
  11. mccumcumber

    romney's not stiff when you unzip him

    The Asian American population balances out those outliers. Did you know that the US patented whiskey? America!
  12. mccumcumber

    TEBOW out MANNING in

    Denver didn't make a mistake getting rid of Tebow. They might have made a mistake signing Manning, but Tebow isn't a good qb. Period.
  13. mccumcumber

    you can get away with MURDER in florida.

    What's the missing person rate in Canada again?
  14. mccumcumber

    The Media Blackout of Ron Paul continues, as if you didn't need more evidence of this

    Don't get me wrong I'm not a Ron Paul fan at all. That's just my opinion as why he ran GOP, probably should have stated that in the first place. I'm probably going to write in Nader this year.
  15. mccumcumber

    The Media Blackout of Ron Paul continues, as if you didn't need more evidence of this

    He ran GOP because of what happened to Nader. Do you know how many people are still convinced by the mainstream media that Nader is insane? It's fucking ridiculous.
  16. mccumcumber

    Who is the best troll in the politics section?

    Balls to use AN aye?
  17. mccumcumber

    Official Santorum for President Thread

    Good ole Ralphy, too bad he'll never be the pres. Unless sf became its own nation...
  18. mccumcumber

    Official Santorum for President Thread

    I thought the whole like thing was to post a picture of a politician that you liked. The only politician that has every made any sense to me was Nader.
  19. mccumcumber

    Who is the best troll in the politics section?

    Killing 65 seeds is like aborting 65 babies you comie bastard.
  20. mccumcumber

    i am going to change my ways and not troll anymore.

    Holy shit, couldn't get 1 out of 65 to germ... I didn't think it was possible to be that retarded.