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  1. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    I think that I will try a breed from him. Those photos look like they came out of a Time Vault...
  2. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    "Wow" Doc....just plain Wow. My pack arrived today. The website seemed professional, and the packaging is Top Shelf in appearance. Crank That Handle Baby! :0) I look forward to showcasing the breeds and will start working them into the rotation immediately. You already hold "darkest purple...
  3. Javadog

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Well Roger, little dogs live might be a good thing.
  4. Javadog

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Hard to tell.....might be genetic.... Try to get a close up of what is bothering you. Good luck, JD
  5. Javadog

    Club 315w lec

  6. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Dr Greenthumb does have prices listed....there is a link....but, be warned....his prices are over-the-top. Now, the photos at least looks *spot on*....I think that I will try one of them to see how close they really get. JD
  7. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Doc is probably very close to good sources too Bro. I recalled mentioning this in my thread too: Here it is: The dude has great photos at...
  8. Javadog

    Real deal Trainwreck??

    LOL, great thread TC. The Green Pepper story reminds me of the "flavor wheel" that scarred me with the idea of the flavors "horsey" and "mousey". ha! I just saw hairs on an HSO Trainwreck lady. I also grew out a very strong TW back in the day. Here is a great post on the topic...
  9. Javadog

    Marijuana Seeds

    I love LA Con crosses. Sour Secret gave me a nice pheno....think she slipped by though... Silver LA is pretty amazing too.
  10. Javadog

    Club 600

    Nice update J. Thank you for sharing, as always!
  11. Javadog

    Club 600

    I see....
  12. Javadog

    Welcome New Members!

    Welcome Aboard! We have plenty of Canadians here...GroErr is a good one, but offline these days....
  13. Javadog

    GroErr Grows...

    Do drop us a line when you can Gro!
  14. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Just tried out the new site Doc. The payment system worked like a charm. (R826531555) Running your own site is smart. I can help with configs/ideas on that front if needed. Good luck, JD
  15. Javadog

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Did the bag have any writing on it? :0)
  16. Javadog

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Ha ha ha ha ha! One of the best! I am struggling to better it. LOL
  17. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Here in CA it has occurred to me that I am probably far more likely to be harassed for for a "revenue" crime than I ever was for a vice crime. The weather is amazing....really is...but I would think about moving if the old lady would go along. :0)
  18. Javadog

    World Of Hempy

    I typically keep it simple...but I also add a bit of cal-mag most feedings. It is probably the thing suggested most when people run into nute issues. It sounds like you are being careful and that is good. "Less is more" is probably the best advice I can give. If you start a thread, then...
  19. Javadog

    World Of Hempy

    I never did, but I also had a liner of moss/algae at the end some times....not a problem. Really appears on my outdoor garden buckets. Just my $0.02
  20. Javadog

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    BobBitchen is a skier who also happens to grow, and now breed, stanky dank. LOL He has a thread here. Honeybee was a creation of Genuity, another poster here. It is another special thing.