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  1. L

    I could use some help

    I have grown a veggie garden. No clue beyond that. I usually kill houseplants
  2. L

    I could use some help

    I had another plant I was given at the same time but it turned out to be a male so it got removed. I don't think it pollinated this one. Would more light help or would that make it worse? Humidity is now been 40-50% and temps around 25 in the day and 20 or so at night. We did have a hot spell...
  3. L

    I could use some help

    it is a mixture of peatmoss, pro-mix, vermiculite, & sleep manure with some diatomatious earth mixed in. The pot is a reusable bag so that the roots could 'air prune'
  4. L

    I could use some help

    there is drainage. The one thing I have not done is flush it. Would that help?
  5. L

    I could use some help

    I have one of the led lights that does blue and red. I just ordered a larger LED light that should be here in a few days because I am wondering if it is light starved. I am nervous about adding too...
  6. L

    I could use some help

    I was given some plants and seems to be having a hard time. This plant was quite tall so I bent it and had it outside for a few weeks then brought it into the tent I bought. I have figured out that I have fungus knats and thrips. I have tried a variety of things to combat them but it has clearly...