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  1. Z

    Daddy has been humbled

    Looks like the cold brought out some purple :) Good save.
  2. Z

    Pass the tissues, we’ve all got issues. Hermaphroditism is mine.

    Just let them all finish and clean the room well before you start the next run. You have taken the plants this far through veg, and into flower. It would be a waste to cull them and start over.
  3. Z

    Is it ok to completely stop feeding?

    If you overfed, not feeding for a few days or a week would be a great way to keep the little bit of nute burn you have from getting worse. Your plants look great other than the tiny bit of burn you have :clap:
  4. Z

    Flower prices falling

    Prices are coming down everywhere it has been legalized in some form. Top shelf sells for as low as $150 oz and upper mids for $75-$100 oz in Michigan these days.
  5. Z

    Daddy has been humbled

    Looking good. Hope you end up with some viable beans for your trouble. Would love to see them under a white light. How cold was it in your tent? I too am dealing with cold conditions in a similar environment.
  6. Z


    Don't use miracle grow potting soil. Too hot n will burn your younglings. Get a seed starter mix. Miracle grow organic or jobes organic seed starter mix is cheap n will work fine. When they r larger n rdy for transplant, buy a decent soil. Happy frog is a good inexpensive soil. Don't feed nutes...
  7. Z

    first grow lots of white bugs

    Bugs suck. I would spray them.
  8. Z

    first grow lots of white bugs

    Looks like some kind of mite. Spray them with some neem oil. It will take care of them nice n fast. Garden Safe fungicide 3 is a decent inexpensive pre-packaged neem oil spray and it can be found at most big box stores.
  9. Z

    What kind of nutrients is everyone using?

    I am using nutes from a newer company called Organically Done. Currently feeding their Organic Bloom formula with their Bloom Booster. I am very happy with the results so far. Just add it to dirt ,water, and done. You only have to top dress the soil every 2-3 weeks then water as needed.
  10. Z

    Led Users Unite!

    I plan to use it to flower my current grow.
  11. Z

    Led Users Unite!

    I have the "1800 watt" version with a different brand stamp. 300 watt actual draw. I paid just under $100 on the bay with free shipping. It is bright as can be. Have used it to veg 4 girls in a 4x4 with excellent results.