Why people quibble over salt formulation is beyond me... your plants dont care about source only availability and porportions
If your plants are healthy and the grower is happy with price per gallon... let it ride
Not saying Kass is but ive defiently see a lot of class warfare over...
[Bar graphs are data. Got it.
You do realize any company fuck any person of the age 5 to almost dead can create a bar graph... wheres the actual printouts from the analytical companies and their names...
Fucking shills] and 30 min later i find the pdf with all that...mouth foot...
Didnt see...
So i just talked to my buddy he says he adjusts daily ...uses same line.
Not for me. Personally but he likes it.
My rez stays the same pH for 5 days or so..tbh i havent seen any deift before i go through it all.
Big difference between what a media can hold and what it should be holding for what you are doing.
Young plant need to root out. Coco should not dry down as the saying goes but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water...
With coco or any inert media like grodans or coco cubes the...
Ive ran 4k in the same sized space...HPS...spendy so i run 2k now HPS...inwas right at the limit(was expeirencing light bleach)
Hell i ran 4k vert in the same space
But idk LEDs limits, i hear they light bleach more but thay could have been an older LED problem
I just looked it up..velo has a bit of everything in it, should have a stabilizing affect.
Ill ask my buddy what he does, hard to armchair it without more data
Do you use RO water?
A 3-2-1(Grow-Micro-Bloom) ratio of Green Planet 3 part is what i use in veg and Bloom 1-2-3 (G-M-B) at 1500 PPM from clone to finish. With boosters in flower raising it to 2k for 4 weeks.
I foilar spray kelps and humic/fulvics and also use PK boosters and organic additives...
Im was being decisive...my bad...i know a dude running remo actually, he loves it.
I dont have much expierecne with it, but if its pH swing is so drastic. Something is wrong.
Id start by mixing a solution of each part (idk if theirs more then one part) separately then seeing if any...
I keep hear8ng jackw 3-2-1 is great and easy to manipulate...i have only a little experience with it.
Plant marvel is a great supplier if salts. they create salt blends.
I have 4 years experience using plant marvel salts.
2 tanks , 1 of minors and then 1 of the majors and a i think a few...
tbh and no one besides you has asked this
190 clones all the same
way harder then 3grams a watt in a 2 1K HPS
ill step up clone, ill take 4 from my mother, top those early.. within a 4-6 weeks ill have enough with the cuts from the original mother
Right until an entire room seeds from the only one pollen flower among a sea of calxys it will matter...
Sounds like a 66% hermie prone genetic nightmare
You are like the Dan Brown of new growers.
Never loose your dinosaur.
Becasue weed will never be proprietary...not anytime soon
Thank god for that.fuck people