Same boat but not into the KNF club yet. I have to go from one to 250 outdoors and try to scale up on virgin soil. KNF seems like it would take a fair amount of time to make the different components needed. Also KNF seems to rely on sugars to produce the amendments. I don't have many local...
The idea is to never clean them and never change the soil. I would think with a horizonal system the bottom won't dry out too fast and the sides (if a grass roots) won't dry up as fast either.
I am currently using sub-par el-cheapo fabric pots 15 gal. I have a 4x4 and am thinking of just running three pots at a time. If I upgrade would most get Grass Roots pots or Air Pots? I would think air pots would dry the soil out too much to really support a living soils model? Does anyone use...
I've heard of sanding the edges. I've heard of cracking. What is your tea and process for sprouting new beans???
I just do the normal warm water for 12-24 hrs then a damp paper towel in a zip-lock in a warm dark place until she pops then into the warm moist soil she/he goes.
What is your...
So the next logical question is . . . would organic cottage cheese be a cheap substitute? You know, for those with more money than time!
I would think it would be made with rennet but that is an enzyme . . . I dunno just word womiting.
I now need to source raw milk. That's highly illegal where...
I wanna make LABs and Kefir. I am hoping to crush up the cheese and top dress my pots for the boost.
Just waiting for my Bokashi grains to be delivered. . .
Lacto/labs, Kefir, Bokashi, Kombucha, or Kvass? These are probiotic soil treatments that will help with breakdown and nutrient availability. You can't just give nutes, you have to be able to break 'em down too.
Manganese is what I find in the interwebs for issue. Seems to look just like the leaf charts the yellowing slightly and the blotches. Are you inoculating with bene's and fungi? I'm thinking some type of lockout.
I am about to grow a number of plants outdoors and have a small functioning garden surrounding the major growing area.
Who here has any advice as to what to and not to plant around and throughout the plants??
No-Till Organic living soil model. Even considering intercropping. Cover is already...
It's kinda funny. If you lived near where I do you could got to any dock on the great lakes and find empty craw dad shells that the birds leave behind. They also leave guano behind. As long as it gets composted, there are your cheap land locked amendments. Go spend a day at the beach and bring a...
I am planning on harvesting weeping willows and making a semi-stable extract for cloning.
I also have native Yuca plants so I would like to see if it would be suitable for a surfactant (wetting agent).
I'm attempting to stay away from animal by-products as much as possible.
The question I have that I never got an answer to was: What type of schedule would you feed to get maximum effect out of the order of what.
like molasses feedings to bring on the bacteria, then a lacto, a Kefir, or an SST...