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  1. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Thank you for taking time to explain it to me. Do you have any other recommendation for the wire basket hangers since the one posted aren't available? Also do you feel the combos that HLG offers are worth the money? Thinking about this combo I'd still need 4 of these correct?
  2. StayHungry

    Spore syringe from Canada

    what kind of prints are you looking for? I may know someone that can help
  3. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Perfect Thank you! Thank you for posting this I will be ordering all part tomorrow am. Is it worth the up charge for V2 boards? Will I still need the same amount of heatsinks if I decide to go Triple?
  4. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Thank you! After further review the T6 uses 40w and the T8 uses 180w. Thats a huge difference! When you say major air flow are you under the impression that a T6 will be enough? That's brilliant! Ill be following your footsteps. Is there a thread I should look up so you don't have to repost...
  5. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Do you think a tabletop fan as the one linked is a waste of floor space? wondering if I should finding a fan to mount off the ground would be a better option? Would this be the kit you recommend? it seems to be the only kit I can find that states it can flower a 4'x4' space but the price...
  6. StayHungry

    Planning a 4'x 8'x 6' need (LED,Fan) advice please

    Good Evening everyone! I planning on putting together a 4'x 8' x 6' tent to run a perpetual grow. Today I ordered CloudLine T8 and a couple box fans for inside the tent. I've noticed the reviews on the 8" model to be not as good as the 6" (mainly complaints about noise) would a 6" be enough...
  7. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    I have no problem with more of all that’s stated above as long as I noticed a difference in yield to justify it. MattyMatt do you still feel like this holds true? I realize this post was from last year so maybe you feel different now I’m seeing a lot of post (some older posts) that claim at...
  8. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    Just saw that time to order some beans Do you believe this is a “bad” overkill? Honestly tempted to run a side by side. I just my thoughts of more roots more fruits is up in the air now
  9. StayHungry

    Best PS spawn suppliers.

    my fault...sorry just saw their home page didn’t do much looking but now I see their spores. Looks like they have a pretty good selection!
  10. StayHungry

    Best PS spawn suppliers.

    I don’t click on outside links but punched the url in don’t understand what a seedbank has to do with this topic
  11. StayHungry

    Best PS spawn suppliers.

    They’re based in the United States, TN I believe. If I remember right they have a brick and mortar store with a different name
  12. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    I signed up for their email notification but for some reason wasn’t notified on the last restock.
  13. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    Now you have me interested...what don’t you like about the OG part of this linage? I was thinking I could start them all in the same tent then once the grow a little I’ll separate them into 2 different tents. 3 and 4 it is. For the first tent I was planning on getting a Mars Hydro TSL 2000 but...
  14. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    There are 4 3 Bears OG and 3 Samsquach OG but what I’m thinking is if the plant #s are to much I’ll buy another setup not trying to be a prick just being honest
  15. StayHungry

    First Auto Setup (advice needed)

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm currently in the process of setting up a 4'x 2'x 6' tent with some Mephisto genetics using 5 gallon smart pots filled with Pro-Mix CC mixed with down to earth 4-4-4 which leads to some questions. Will a 5 gallon pot be overkill? How many plants will i be able to...
  16. StayHungry

    Growing weed and magic mushrooms as one plant

    Not canna but RystyWhyte with a key lime anything is possible with a little work
  17. StayHungry

    Agar bitches

    Telelphone agar is sold in international store for cheap...especially Asian markets Great write up! I'm sure it will be put to great use. Always hated pasty plates due to there not be much room to let your transfer grow out I must ask though why use the micro-pore tape? Can't you just pop the...