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  1. rohis

    Free Grow Software!

    Android users, I suggest downloading this app. There is a similar flashlight with magnifying glass available on Apple's app store. The picture in this one was taken with a crappy 5mp lg. If you're on a Galaxy phone or something, I bet this will replace your jeweler's loupe since it offers pretty...
  2. rohis

    HPS cooltube w/ winter

    I grew in my basement a couple years ago and dealt with cold temps. The first thing I did was put the whole tent up on a 2 inch thick piece of styrofoam. getting it off the cold cement ground makes a lot of difference. My Lights on period was 7pm-7am to supply warmth when ambient temps were at...
  3. rohis

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    Dr. Who is absolutely right. I use Roots Organic and Nectar for the Gods nutrients, but I do have 3 or 4 synthetics that I run (soul synthetics peak, infinity, swell, and amino aid). Those 4 particular synthetics don't give me any problems in my recycled compost, BUT they are derived from...
  4. rohis

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    I prefer one or two 'enzyme treatments' throughout the course of the plants life cycle, then I add the old dirt to a compost bin (spare trash barrels work nice) with an enzyme treatment and some mycos. Yes you should then let it compost, or 'cook' in the holding barrel for at least 4 weeks. Some...
  5. rohis

    Thoughts on reusing soil?

    I've had great results reusing soil. I add a small bag of 'fresh' soil to the old (probably just for my own comfort) and treat with an enzyme(recently switched to growmore's bio cozyme) to break down any root merial that remains. Adding some organic powder ferts/amendments and glacial rock dust...
  6. rohis

    Watering from the bottom up. (wicking)

    Isn't it also possible (even with organics) for the soil to gradually build nitrites that will disturb micro live and hormone production? Surely the plants and micro biology need their waste periodically removed. I read something along those lines in a piece of literature that I wish I could...
  7. rohis

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Bought a bunch of nectar for the gods nutes from for less then $10 each the other day.
  8. rohis


    Too many chemical changes occur from blasting that I can't imagine the left overs would make any type of suitable lotion/butter/compost/tincture safetly. if I INSISTED on doing something with it, I would add it to melted candle wax and make myself some nice fragrant candles
  9. rohis

    Watering from the bottom up. (wicking)

    The talking heads at raw solubles and nectar of the gods say never to feed from the bottom because of salt build up. Is this a concern to you? also, are you top watering at all every couple feedings to push out any salt build up that may occur? and is your water source oxygenated? Just curious...
  10. rohis

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Most things will be had the cheapest on ebay with the exception of: (cheapest prices in US on super roots air pots and 20w air pump. Always free shipping) And worth mention is has most of the Nectar for the gods line below 10$ per bottle right now. I know...
  11. rohis

    VivaGrow (VG 44) T5 lights - BE CAREFUL

    Not really much info on the light, as I haven't used it yet.. but I wanted to warn you guys: I purchased the 4 foot x 4 bulb model (vg44) off ebay for 90$ from user thegrowzebo. The box it shipped in was the factory box that had big bold black letters on it that read 'GROW LIGHT' If you're...
  12. rohis

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    I followed some links on MonsterGardens interview video with Scott from NFTG and found olympus up and herculean harvest for about 8 usd each. Don't want to plug links on the forum, but just a heads up that you can get some of this stuff cheap if you search. Happy growing guys.
  13. rohis

    Soul Synthetics??

    I proudly use the Soul synthetics and roots organic lines together. I love the products and the company behind them I am impressed by every single product they make, but I am possibly looking to replace the veg nute with something a bit more explosive I use nectar for the gods PH buffers and...
  14. rohis

    Who uses molasses and see's good results? I've heard alot of good and bad

    According to this seemingly very informative video, Molasses is great but has a very long carbon chain that has sort of a 'choking' effect on your mycos. It may evidently cause you to have to inoculate more frequently. They recommend a simpler sugar that is more bioavailable to the soil life...
  15. rohis

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Watching anxiously. I believe I did see Sarah say in the mars hydro thread that 1.5 feet was recommended for that light. Not that it matters now, but straight from the horses mouth as they say. Have you tried any pinching to keep the stretch at bay? cheers man
  16. rohis

    Marshydro Led grow...

    The Anti Chinese LED people make me laugh, since all the 'made in america' stuff they love so much is almost always made of chinese components.. Living in the days of when the english speaking world was filled with skilled craftsmen and not liberal arts majors.. Just what is it about asian...
  17. rohis

    Super Soil Charge Pack

    Really wish I could buy a half or quarter size charge pack. 16 cuf. soil +castings is just wayy too much dirt for my needs.
  18. rohis

    What is the best root stimulator to dip clones in?

    "Save money Just use honey" ;)
  19. rohis

    Opinions on my soil?

    I do plan on recycling, so good thinking, I will add some stone dust ;) what would be a good amount per gallon? and wouldn't inoculating with great white help feed and establish a soilweb during the 'cooking' process? also, the peat does tend to break down and go acidic in ocean forest, so...
  20. rohis

    Opinions on my soil?

    The idea is essentially to fortify my potting mix, then 'supersoil' a portion of it for flowering.. so I dont consider it any more complicated then a conventional super soil. Your opinion and experience is noted though. I'm not adverse to the idea of canning the roots organic and using the ewc...