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  1. Masterdank420

    Half hydro half organic

    Yes like that, except with more water and less soil lmao. I honestly never realized air injection was thing though thanks for the video!
  2. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Yeah I'd go the full recommended dose as the girls are hungry. Im not sure if you should water until runoff in this particular situation... I've done bottled nutrients with coco only with good sucess which requires watering until runoff. Im concerned the earth worm castings will change the way...
  3. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Thats the thing, the op added worm castings to the medium and will now hold moisture better than just coco and works differently than only coco. Thats why im recommending organics instead of synthetics.
  4. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Like i said, it's too late for the microbes to bounce back in time to break down the organic mater into nutrients and feed the plants sufficiently to not stunt the growth're better off with bottled stuff. If you want to try it again next time go ahead but it's gonna be rough in...
  5. Masterdank420

    Half hydro half organic

    I peeped in on this thread with images of buckets of soil half filled with water and an air-stone planted underneath. I felt relief when it was just a split grow lmao pretty cool comparative grow concept though, keep updating!
  6. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    6.5 -6.8 Come to think of it that low ph is why you're microbes are dead.
  7. Masterdank420


    NICE CAPS BRO lol and I'd say whenever you start to only give them water towards the end near harvest time . Thats when you'll want to stop using it.
  8. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Canuk switched to living soil recently too, probably because it makes more sense than trying to grow organic in coco lol. Worm castings are expensive too.
  9. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Lol i just caught on ewc is earth worm castings. My bad.... im terrible with abbreviations. Either way the earth worm castings don't have any life left in em to break down the amendments enough in time to feed em. I'd opt for some organic liquid fertilizer instead of synthetics, it may be...
  10. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Yeah man, it's too late too add the worm castings, they have to be mixed in prior to planting. Either feed em with a bottle or you'll lose em. The instructions are on the bottles, and if you're unsure you can usually contact the company directly.
  11. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    Yeah Man I agree 100%. run off is a big no no for organics period. You want to give just enough water to saturate the medium. Watering until Runoff will flush out and down microbes and chelated nutrients.
  12. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    At this point you should probably ditch dry amendments. I deleted this post to give a more detailed explination. Go get some liquid nutriments, either organic or not but make sure its all bio-available. You can also get powdered synthetics that tou mix into water. Cheers
  13. Masterdank420

    Please help, first time grower! I think my plants have Iron deficiency / Nutrient lockout

    It is not recommended to add dry organic amendments that require time to break down and become available to plants in coco alone. The microbial life required to make organic amendments available will also break down the coconut fiber, limiting the coco’s ability to hold minerals by the time the...
  14. Masterdank420

    Plants in veg looks close to dying - Help!

    I'm thinking the op isn't adding enough if any calcium or magnesium either, the new growth is wilting and stunted. I'm curious as to what is being used to feed the plant.
  15. Masterdank420

    Plants in veg looks close to dying - Help!

    Feed the poor bugger lmao, she's got a few deficiencies going on right now.
  16. Masterdank420

    Purple underside of leaves on seedling

    Could be the cold induced anthocyanin production. Here's an interesting read.
  17. Masterdank420

    Is this a flower/ bud starting..?

    It's like that sometimes... lol i grew a feminized auto that vegged huge last summer, Spent all sorts of time training it and she turned out to be he.
  18. Masterdank420

    Is this a flower/ bud starting..?

    Yeah it's pollen sacs not buds. You've got Male
  19. Masterdank420

    What is optimal curing humidity ?

    I dry/cure mine out in my cold storage, it's 15C and 60%RH with minimal airflow. Acts like a room sized jar. 2 years ago i didn't even bother trimming, would just rip buds off the branches and pick off the leaves lol. Epic laziness