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  1. C

    first grow any advise is appreciated

    Hey guys this is my first grow that i gotten this far, and i wanted to share it with yall and see what yall thought, i got a grow room inside a closet thats 5' long 2' w n 6' tall, i have 6 plants growing in a 28 gallon bin there all over a foot n a half tall n are just over a 6 weeks old n are...
  2. C

    plants overcrowded

    Thanks guy for the advise ill try n put up some pics just so yall can see what im working with, one more question is will cuting off the branches slow down or harm my plants in any way since there in flowering mode
  3. C

    plants overcrowded

    Hey guys I'm going to try n explain as simply as i can, i started my first successful grow about a month and a half ago. I have 6 plants growing in a 28 gallon bin, and there now on flowering mode, there all taller than a foot, i got them growing in inside a growroom inside a closet, the grow...
  4. C

    gr0w r00m aparment pr0blems g0t l0ck 0ut 0f aparment

    t0 male if they dint care they w0uldnt 0n changed the l0cks 0n me but i think they just dint like the fact 0f what i did t0 the aparment i had buidl a gr0w r00m inside the bendr00m n taken 0ut the carpet, and the b0arded win0w was cuase s0me kids br0ke the wind0w s0 i had but the b0ard there...
  5. C

    gr0w r00m aparment pr0blems g0t l0ck 0ut 0f aparment

    there had t0 be the 0ne assh0le t0 p0int it 0ut if u werent smart en0ugh t0 figure it 0ut my 0 key br0ke
  6. C

    gr0w r00m aparment pr0blems g0t l0ck 0ut 0f aparment

    0k s0 i live in texas n i had rented a aparment n0t t0 far fr0m my h0use , t0 start gr0wing i had it f0r a m0nth n sign a 6 m0nth c0ntract, a week int0 in s0me kids br0ke my wind0w n i never g0t t0 fixing it s0 i just drilled s0me plyw00d t0 in t0 prevent pe0ple fr0m geting in which i see n0w...
  7. C

    found what seem like a weed plant help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you may not be able to tell from the pic but it does have a serrated leaves, i gues im just realing hoping it was real
  8. C

    found what seem like a weed plant help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dam realy i also would of swore i say white hairs growing out if the steam also what makes u so sertain like what were the give aways so i can learn to tell
  9. C

    found what seem like a weed plant help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    realy? i can see them on my laptop ill try it again
  10. C

    found what seem like a weed plant help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok so i was planing on growing weed i had 2 plants before but my mom trew them away, i was mad, n then my neighbor left for 5 weeks n told me to take care of his garden so i did, n i found what seems to be like a weed plant growing behind my neighbors sunflower plants, n my theory was since the...
  11. C

    metal halide lamp set up need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    okay so i decided to grow indoors so i started by buying a metal halide bulb online pic below the i went n bougth a reflector and a socket for the bulb having a little knowledge i knew i would need a ballast so i went n bougth the cheapest one i could find problem is i feel like im missing...