gr0w r00m aparment pr0blems g0t l0ck 0ut 0f aparment


Active Member
0k s0 i live in texas n i had rented a aparment n0t t0 far fr0m my h0use , t0 start gr0wing i had it f0r a m0nth n sign a 6 m0nth c0ntract, a week int0 in s0me kids br0ke my wind0w n i never g0t t0 fixing it s0 i just drilled s0me plyw00d t0 in t0 prevent pe0ple fr0m geting in which i see n0w was a mistake, s0 i went 0ne day t0 start w0rking 0n it n n0tice s0me 0ne had change the l0cks n fixed the br0ken wind0w i was mad ass hell , i knew the maintains guys had g0tten in n changed l0cks but the thing is i had changed l0cks fr0m the 0rginal 0ne the d00r had s0 i have n0 idea h0w they g0t in s0, t0 make this sh0rt i br0ke back in grabed the seeds n anything 0f value n g0t 0ut 0f there, n0t sure what my next m0ve is, i wanted t0 just send the a mail with the m0ney 0rder f0r breaking the c0ntract cause iam t0 afraid 0f g0ing in pers0n cause it was clear the aparment wasent used f0r what it was meant. s0 my questi0n is if i pay the fee f0r breaknig the c0ntract will i be in any tr0ble the 0nly really incriminating thing was the seeds. s0 help me 0ut if u can, n yes i kn0w h0w stupid i was s0 please save it but any advise w0uld help


Active Member
there had t0 be the 0ne assh0le t0 p0int it 0ut if u werent smart en0ugh t0 figure it 0ut my 0 key br0ke


Well-Known Member
You said you grabbed the seeds.. if you have them in your possession, they were not introduced into evidence, or found by law enforcement who could identify what they were with enough certainty to make a difference... paying the fee to break the contract should be it.. just don't start a new grow operation for a few, let it cool down a bit given what happened. As for how they got in, if it's not a high pin count with twin tumbler, anyone with a solid picking set and skill can bounce the pins and use a torque wrench to open it. (Deadbolts can be a different story, depending on the brand.)


New Member
Man go home... you abandoned your apartment over some seeds. They probably didn't even see them or care... lots of people have seeds lying around from smoking schwagg.


Active Member
Why would you rent an apartment and not a house....why would you board up an apartment window .......why are you asking wondering what to do now .didn't the landlords contact you its like the first thing they would have done ..

You might wanna rethink your plans if your thinking of doing something like this again before you end up in don't seem very good at it


Active Member
t0 male if they dint care they w0uldnt 0n changed the l0cks 0n me but i think they just dint like the fact 0f what i did t0 the aparment i had buidl a gr0w r00m inside the bendr00m n taken 0ut the carpet, and the b0arded win0w was cuase s0me kids br0ke the wind0w s0 i had but the b0ard there 0nly intill i g0t it fix wihch i never g0t t0, and it still seems strange t0 me cause i never g0t a n0tice 0n the d00r 0r call and usualy they give u a head up, but yea u rigth a h0use seems like a way better idea, and this was my first atempt at it. and thanks fing0ng.


New Member
Oh, yea if you did all that to the apartment they probably don't want you back. But even if you go back and they call the cops or something, it's not like you have to stick around and wait for them to show up. I would go get my shit. You weren't growing anything at least.


Well-Known Member
t0 male if they dint care they w0uldnt 0n changed the l0cks 0n me but i think they just dint like the fact 0f what i did t0 the aparment i had buidl a gr0w r00m inside the bendr00m n taken 0ut the carpet, and the b0arded win0w was cuase s0me kids br0ke the wind0w s0 i had but the b0ard there 0nly intill i g0t it fix wihch i never g0t t0, and it still seems strange t0 me cause i never g0t a n0tice 0n the d00r 0r call and usualy they give u a head up, but yea u rigth a h0use seems like a way better idea, and this was my first atempt at it. and thanks fing0ng.

attached garage


Well-Known Member
$o you had light$ hung and everything, or did you ju$t rip up the carpet? there is nothing illegal about ripping up carpet, or boarding window$ $hut


yeah legally if you signed a contract and have been paying your rent on time and abiding for all the ToA then they can go fuck themselves, go getcha self a lawyer and sue the landlord what he's doing is illegal.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
tell them what the hell man i pay rent so that when i am ready to move the place is ready i go to check on the place and the window is broken and the carpet is all jacked i want them both fixed before i move in.even if the maintenance guy broke the window thats called breaking and entering a felony so he would have to admitt to a felony to call you a liar.


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit, reading this guys posts are insane.. he needs to be just a little more literate if he wants help........


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Давайте знакомится), Диана :)
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Маленький ребенок с Google Translator, как мило.
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