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  1. rollinbud

    Another Example of Health Care Rape

    Another Example of Health Care Rape by Karl Denninger Posted 2012-09-06 13:50 Those of you who have read me for a while know I've been on the health-care monopoly and cost-shifting game since the inception of The Ticker. I bring you the outrage of the day: Marcie Edmonds, 52, called the...
  2. rollinbud

    Those Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look Still above 8%—and closer to 19%

    By MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN Don't be fooled by the headline unemployment number of 8.1% announced on Friday. The reason the number dropped to 8.1% from 8.3% in July was not because more jobs were created, but because more people quit looking for work. The number for August reflects only people who...
  3. rollinbud

    Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished'

    Yup, Buck has no clue what spam is or this sites posting policies. His posts are nothing but harassment, which is illegal.
  4. rollinbud

    Matthews a few race cards short of a full deck

    Apparently, Monday, Aug. 27, was opening day for Hysterical Liberal Sanctimony About Imagined Republican Racism. During this first round, The New York Times, The Atlantic and the TV networks each put in a splendid showing. I'd need a book to cover it all. HOLD ON! I HAVE ONE -- Mugged: Racial...
  5. rollinbud

    Obama Sucked Tonight

    0bama sucks every night Maybe your's was a typo
  6. rollinbud

    Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished'

    CLINT SPEAKS: Obama 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on American people'...
  7. rollinbud

    Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain

    The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.” If they lie about that, what else are...
  8. rollinbud

    Dam Bill Clinton Is A Smooth Talker

    Lol, but he couldn;t talk his way out of being a proven liar... How anyone could believe anything this scum bag says is beyond me.
  9. rollinbud

    Obama speaker had to be tutored in Spanish

    San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Previously Had Spanish Tutor Lol so Obama rolls out a supposed "hispanic" success story to try and sway the Hispanic voters and turns out he couldn't even speak...
  10. rollinbud

    Fact check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama?

    Poor buck just cant quite figure out what spam really is..... No wonder he believes in 0bamas lies..... Buckey you should read the user agreement...
  11. rollinbud

    Fact check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama?

    With the Democratic National Convention in full swing, a number of party leaders are attempting to boost President Barack Obama's re-election effort by asserting that 4.5 million new jobs have been created during his term...
  12. rollinbud

    Big Obama donor runs away from the press...

    Silly boy, Its okay when Liberals do it.....Only conservatives / Republicans are bad, just ask uncle cluck....
  13. rollinbud

    Can someone explain WTF I should vote for presidents.

    Yeah no surprise the speakers at the Demoncrat convention are still blaming Bush for the Obama disaster.....
  14. rollinbud

    The DNC's Bold Lies

    By Jeffrey Lord on 9.4.12 @ 6:09AM
  15. rollinbud

    What happened to conservatism?

    That same bogus crap keeps getting repeated over and over by the liberal neem bots.... That study is about "social conservativism", not fiscal and certainly not some political party labeled as conservative.... You people live in such a small mental place.
  16. rollinbud

    The Democrats’ pension dilemma

    By Washington Post Editorial Board, Published: September 1
  17. rollinbud


    0bama couldn't even pass a budget when his party had control of both houses. I think that sums it all up. He can't even get his own party to support his ridiculous budget proposals because they know he is a dud.
  18. rollinbud


    Yup he can't even get his own people to vote for his whacky budget b.s. "Obama budget gets goose egg in Democrat-controlled Senate" posted at 10:32 am on May 26, 2011 by Ed Morrissey When was the last time the Senate cast a unanimous vote on an issue of any substance? The only unamimous votes...
  19. rollinbud

    New york times fact checkers: Bed rest is work!

    Poor Mickey Kaus. He's the liberal intellectual (not an oxymoron -- he's the last known living "liberal intellectual") lefties on TV are usually stealing from, but now that this welfare reform maven has concluded that Romney's welfare ad is basically correct, liberals refuse to acknowledge his...
  20. rollinbud


    I dont see that posted anywhere on this thread? Do you have an agenda or what? Yure just like the rest of tyhe liberals, "They just don't get it"....... Try and stay on topic next time ass clown...