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  1. bigbillyrocka

    How did people in the 60s and 70s grow weed?

    My ancestors used leaves instead of loinclothes, they were the original hipsters.
  2. bigbillyrocka


    I'm not recessive...reclusive at times.
  3. bigbillyrocka

    One hit you're stoned seeds

    I've had some where three hits melts your face. Same stuff also kept me downstairs glued to my chair after a fat bowl (definitely more than 3 hits) for 45 mins. My legs wouldn't function to go up the stairs so I went back to my smoke room to reflect. Sadly, the person I got it from didn't know...
  4. bigbillyrocka

    What really pisses you off?

    Nah, I too work retail predominantly and can say it happens EVERYYYYWHERRRRRE. I hate that too. Now I'm listening to I hate everything by George Strait now...
  5. bigbillyrocka

    what are you running now ?

    Hey mad, I feel you and think you're 100% reasonable. My FM's are in the boring stage and will be starting a thread in the comimg few weeks as things start to pick up. I've taken pics but only on my phone but will post em all as soon as I start it up... :-) :peace:
  6. bigbillyrocka

    What really pisses you off?

    When I have run dry! I hate not having weed, that shit pisses me off.
  7. bigbillyrocka

    what are you running now ?

    "Frozen Mystery" by me. I took the most heavily sativa dominant ICE I've ever grown or smoked (out of over 80 plants of Ice) and crossed it with a slow, small and highly frosty male. The results so far have been better than my expectations. Though they are only 4 days old they are over two...
  8. bigbillyrocka

    What Are You Listening To?

    Not on the comp so no video but "Bowl for Two" by the Expendables
  9. bigbillyrocka

    Mystery Flowering Problem in Hydro

    The only way they revert back to veg is if the lighting goes on longer than the 12/12. You can speed em up by adding one more hour sleep (in conjunction with 1 less for awake hours) and you can also prolong them by doing the opposite. I've never had a plant revert back due to light leaks but it...
  10. bigbillyrocka

    anyone lose butter in the cannab utter process?

    You wont be dissapointed.
  11. bigbillyrocka

    Help! Plants look different?! (Pics attached)

    They look normal to me. Don't worry about the cotyledon leaves (the first to appear before opening). Just get the light (if cfl) an inch from their tops to slow their stretch down.
  12. bigbillyrocka

    anyone lose butter in the cannab utter process?

    The last batch i made i decided to make it with Vegetable shortening instead of butter and i must say it has been the strongest ive made with less green. I used X amount of vaped grinds and trimmings (also some hash, but not much) and just a 1/4 teaspoon left to dissolve under my tongue is all i...
  13. bigbillyrocka

    i am a new grower

    Is it labrador maannn?
  14. bigbillyrocka

    Any suggestions? Need some help please!

    Usually with leaves curling up its an environmental issue (I.e. heat, humidity etc). What do yours look/feel like? Leaves curling downward is usually a media issue. Soils too "hot" or not enough feed etc.
  15. bigbillyrocka

    Compromise to trim the fan leaves

    Same here. I find strategic clipping like that seen in actual bonsai trees works the best. I have a monster going as we speak that is under 150 watt hps. I turned her when she was about 7-8" tall and is now almost 3 feet with TONS of bud sites, all getting adequate and ample light.
  16. bigbillyrocka


    Hi vincent.
  17. bigbillyrocka

    just watched a small part of "COPS"...

    So on this episode of cops this drunk guy in burger king "just wanted his phone" and the cops (first the black guy) immediately took the guy down. After handcuffing him and standing him up he was bleeding and the white cop asks "was he bleeding before?" The other cop said kinda quietly "yeah"...
  18. bigbillyrocka

    Trailer Park Boys

    So are many movie stars, rock stars and ball players of all types. A good show to watch shouldn't be based off how the people are irl, otherwise most shows wouldn't be watched. :)
  19. bigbillyrocka

    a weed nerds first trip to california...

    California is the land of opportunity. Time it right and you can surf at the beach and snowboard an hour later. Ahh highschool days were a blast in cali.
  20. bigbillyrocka

    Has anyone noticed

    Ive had the best customer service from seaofseeds. They answer you back in a timely manner and are just plain friendly. Fast shipping and some stealthy methods that mAke you look for your seeds also when compared to say attitude, are cheaper in price.