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  1. P

    Seedsman has over 10% *1-star* reviews. Be extremely careful. Lots of 1-star reviews get deleted as well. Edit: oh, they went from 13% 1-star reviews to 9%, nothing fishy...... And yes, I have spotted people with 20+ reviews, all 5 star, all for one company..... When they use emojis, it's...
  2. P

    COMMERCIAL GROW.Never seen this before ANY THOUGHT??

    The pattern looks like the saw teeth of the other "fingers" running against the underside of the closest leaf "finger". Looks like how a strap eats paint after a long drive of whipping in the wind. I think it's wind damage. Would need to see the underside of the leaf.
  3. P

    COMMERCIAL GROW.Never seen this before ANY THOUGHT??

    6' plants, with stakes for when they start falling over.... The amount of stretch is giving me anxiety! You need a light meter, and a scrog net or something. I would not be keeping clones from any of the stretchy ones. Unless it's an incredible sativa, anything over 3" node spacing gets culled...
  4. P

    VPD or small pot issues.

    May I suggest 1l air pots? They aren't nearly a liter. The outside diameter may displace a liter, but they are like 20oz..... You can keep plants in there for 3-4 months before they get so rootbound. Obviously this is strain dependent. I love watering the 1l airpots, I just make a couple...
  5. P

    The 90s Didn't All Suck - Just Mostly

    I've been wanting to wear a fish-net face mask, and a coal chamber shirt.. I don't know if anybody will "get it".
  6. P

    Share your recipes...

    My touch is insisting that you NEVER fry two burgers in a single pan... Otherwise it's flavorless and greasy. the recipe taught me to SMASH burgers, and to steam my buns.
  7. P

    Share your recipes...

    Amazing whitecastle/steakn'shake hybrid. as classic as it gets. No mustard, or ketchup. Like whitecastle, honestly better without cheese. Cheap buns. This is the most authentic hamburger I can imagine. Pay attention to his explicit instructions, such as balling the meat and steaming the bun...
  8. P

    Share your recipes...

    When I discovered that a friend owned a still, I immediately wanted to follow a recipe and run something. whiskey, vodka, anything. I'm five days into a "birdwatchers tomato paste wash". It is apparently a staple recipe for beginners, to make a neutral spirit. Basically vodka, or a flavorless...
  9. P

    5th grow with Clawing leaves

    Unfortunately, clawed leaves tend to stay clawed. If you flushed or whatever, I would go back to a lower ppm, but not keep reducing until the leaves perk up.... Because they wont. The new growth should be okay, but the old leaves can basically be plucked. Doesn't mean the plant isn't worth...
  10. P

    Harvesting Plants in New England 10-15% RH (sometimes lower if running heat alot)

    I don't think being super dry is a huge deal if the room is cold, which I'll guess a cold dry room is easy for you. In winter, I set directly over my dehumidifier. It's never over 65f. The room is 30%, I'm guessing the outlet air is 20%? My point is, in a cool room with a direct breeze, it...
  11. P

    Harvesting Plants in New England 10-15% RH (sometimes lower if running heat alot)

    I have "speed dried" in ~20-30% at 60f, cut buds from stems day one, jarred at the first bit of hay smell. The taste was fine. I was smoking it on day 4. The stems balanced the moisture out, and the cure was normal after that. The stems would still peel. In arizona, I had 10-15% humidity 80f...
  12. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    What if BLM was anime??
  13. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    White cops: "Jeeze" Black cop: "Sheesh"
  14. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    Last summer, BLM broke into the Ohio State House. Swat was inside waiting, but still.... Watching 5' women tell 7' police officers that they would "kick their ass if they take off their badge" was a bit comical. I don't know where they found these 7' mutant giants of officers, but Columbus PD...
  15. P

    Anybody ever try cloning their young “tops”?

    I don't see anything wrong with tops. I have noticed no difference in rooting between tops and [lower] tops. Only problem I see, is there's not much stem below the node to root. I would worry that the stems will turn to mush before those 1/4" stubs root. Then not really have a way to...
  16. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    Throw sugar on them and watch it ferment
  17. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    This is why republicans have a dozen guns and a flip phone.
  18. P

    Grow room ambient vs canopy temp

    When I refer to "ambient" I mean the temperature of my house/basement/inlet air. So the differential is between my basement and my tent/cabinet. So if I'm 12 degrees above ambient, and my canopy is 80f, then my basement is therefore 68f ambient. That's how I look at my rooms. Bonus when my...
  19. P

    how has cancel culture ruined your life

    Saying "cunt" in the US will get you fired. That's a regional thing though.
  20. P

    My bud Taste bad Need Flushing Techniques

    I just hate neem because the PH was ~9 in the last stuff I tried. It actually destroyed my young clones. A couple poofs of sevindust won't even stress clones hardly. I'm aware that it it's not cleaned extremely thoroughly, I will have irreversible lung damage. This is my personal smoke, I may...