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  1. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    I need to buy a ballast, i have a 250w or a 200w hps bulb. Will be using that for flower
  2. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    Yeh exactly right, persie and sell an oz or something. Yeh what would u suggest? I might just topp the plant again in 2 weeks then leave a week then put into flower...
  3. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    Yeh i had them in tiny pots for 2 weeks then lower leaves started yellowing so i transplanted into these bigger pots and used better soil. I have 3 height by 3 foot width by 1.9 foot length. I think length and width are correct way.
  4. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    So transplant in a week or two? Yeh 5th node , should have done it earlier but its my first grow so will learn. They are 4 weeks from seedling and yeh good idea with the pipe cleaner cheers
  5. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    I will lst the plant in a week or so to get them nodes to the light
  6. mark davies

    4 weeks old , topped , shall i transplant???

    Hello everyone just a few questions, These 2 are 4 weeks old from sprout and i topped them 6 days ago today, there is some pictures. Are they in good height for 4 weeks? One is 8 inch tall and the other 6.5 from soil. Shall i transplant these again or shall i leave them. The pot is 30cm round...
  7. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    It says its a 30cm round planter im not sure what that is
  8. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    Tbh im not really sure of the size of the pot but i will be leaving these in the pots now. Looking for about a 3ft plant
  9. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    Yeh will do, gonna veg for another 2 weeks then change it
  10. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    One plant is 6inch from soil and the other is 8inch from soil to top.
  11. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    Yeh will do Temp is 25 to 27.5 normally when lights on. At night it goes down to 21 to 22. Humididty light on ranges from 40% to 50%. At night humidity goes up to 60%. I do mist the room several times a day to rise a little
  12. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    I have 3 and half ft left in height, will be changing to a 250w hps at the moment i have a 150w mh light
  13. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    Cameras a bit dodgy lol And they are a little droopy as just watered they will shoot back up soon. Does anyone elses babies do that? Drop alot more when watered? Or droop when they need to be watered?
  14. mark davies

    When to start flowering?

    Hello This is betty and barbra haha They are 4 weeks from sprout, looking for an ounce or two off each. Been giving nutrients 2 and half weeks as yellowness started showing and repotted them into final pots. When should i start flowering? Ive topped the plants and will probaly top again This...
  15. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    Its white skunk from sensi seeds
  16. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    I have started LSD to expose more light to lower branches hopefully that will go smoothly,topped as well so be bushier soon
  17. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    I topped today, i hope i did it right lol
  18. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    Will be putting carbon filter up in at the hole and will exhaust it out of the attic vent. Air comes in from bottom right corner with a fan blowing it in and a 6" fan blowing circulating. Himididy is 45-55 an temp is 27c
  19. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    Started feeding nuts about a week ago, the bottom set of leaves where turning yellow so added some only lighy. Are they a decent size for 3 weeks from sprout?