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  1. mark davies

    When shall i start to veg? 3 and half week old from sprout

    Hello everyone wondering if you could help me? Looking for 2-3oz per plant, when shall i start to flower? Have 4ft height. Will i get 2-3 oz?
  2. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    3 weeks old today from sprout :)
  3. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    I have about 4ft height... generally i would like 6 ounces off both together. Im using a 150w hm light atm but will be using 250w hps for flowering
  4. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    Looking alot healthier now, well excited how long shall i veg for ?
  5. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    Looking alot healthier i think, they shot up
  6. mark davies

    Cannabis seedling turning yellow help

    Just misted the grow room thats why the pictures look funny
  7. mark davies

    Cannabis seedling turning yellow help

    Thats them now, i think they look healthy, they sprouted on 6th september so just under 3 weeks
  8. mark davies

    Cannabis seedling turning yellow help

    Its 10.6-4.4-1.7 It was no nutrients in the soil i changed it too. And as they are 2 and half weeks it says 5-10 drops per pint but i only put 3 drops in at the moment.
  9. mark davies

    Cannabis seedling turning yellow help

    I started giving nuts two days ago, looking a little better today i think, my friend said they are small for 2 and half weeks from sprout, these are thier final pots now. Potted with plangron mix from hydro store
  10. mark davies

    Cannabis seedling turning yellow help

    Can anyone help me please. 1st grow... 2 plants are 2 and a half weeks old. As you can see yellowing at the bottom... they were in a small pot with rubbish soil.. ive transplanted into these finishing pots with good soil ... growth will be a little slower due to bigger pot i know that. Just...
  11. mark davies

    Size of pot's relavance to yeild,veg time ?

    Can anyone help me on my grow please :)
  12. mark davies

    Size of pot's relavance to yeild,veg time ?

    Hello there sorry to jump post can someone help please n you help me please. 1st grow... 2 plants are 2 and a half weeks old. As you can see yellowing at the bottom... they were in a small pot with rubbish soil.. ive transplanted into these finishing pots with good soil ... growth will be a...
  13. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    No started adding a tiny bit of nut yesterday and will do every other water at a weak strength atm. They was turning yellow before i repotted them. Using plangron mix, added little nute to them.
  14. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    Yeh have done that earlier, do they look small for 2 and a half week from sprout? "/
  15. mark davies

    2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

    n you help me please. 1st grow... 2 plants are 2 and a half weeks old. As you can see yellowing at the bottom... they were in a small pot with rubbish soil.. ive transplanted into these finishing pots with good soil ... growth will be a little slower due to bigger pot i know that. Just wondering...
  16. mark davies

    Small Plant with beginning yellowish edge

    Ive started adding nuts to it day before yesterday will start giving nuts every othrr water until its needed sounds okay?