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  1. mattman089

    Wrinkled New Growth

    Another thing I find odd is the fact that there are only three fingers on these new leaves while all the leaves below have 5 or 7.
  2. mattman089

    Wrinkled New Growth

    Thanks for the reply. Using FFOF so haven't been feeding too much extra but got some cal mag to feed next water. Sucks cuz I just watered a day or so ago and it takes them a week and a half to dry out. Thanks again
  3. mattman089

    Wrinkled New Growth

    Any ideas? All the new growth looks very crinckly/wrinkled also seems to have some dark green undertones... It could also just be me over thinking but growth seems to have slowed a bit although again - I could be wrong.
  4. mattman089

    First time LST.

    Very nice! As the title implies, this is my first time doing LST so I'm a little un-versed and trying to be as careful as I can to not f anything up! lol I'm looking forward to the extra flowers in the end! fingers crossed!
  5. mattman089

    First time LST.

    Thank you for the input kind sir! I will def look into getting some of the fuzzy sticks you speak of... there's a hobby lobby around the corner.
  6. mattman089

    First time LST.

    Shameless bump... Definitely didn't pull the main stem down enough... woke up this am and she's already about 3/4 back to normal position. Might have to try pulling the top/main stem down a little more.. Not very successful so far!
  7. mattman089

    First time LST.

    Critique me - and don't hold back. My first thought: I waited a long time for first tie down... Annnnd go! BONUS PIC: check out the deformity last pic on the new growth. Some (likely drunk) driver ran into a transformer this past Saturday at 3am on the dot knocking power out for 2 hours...
  8. mattman089

    Help Needed

    Alright, so it's been a few days and looking for some more help/updates... Still havent watered after several days as the soil is still a bit most 2 in down or so.. They have been transplanted 3 or 4 days ago and alsp topped about 3 days ago. With that said.. The top fan leaves seem to be...
  9. mattman089

    When to lst?

    you have a link for the autocob at $129? I only do 2 plants at a time so this would probably be a good setup. I really like that multi socket due had in the pic that you replied to. i have a couple leds above my 6500k cfls but interested in the cob you mentioned.
  10. mattman089

    When to lst?

    gracias matty matt... much appreciated.
  11. mattman089

    When to lst?

    I know this thread is old af but searched for lst threads and this is one that popped up. Where can I get a multi-socket like you have in the picture??? Ot sire what to search for... Gracias!!
  12. mattman089

    Help Needed

    What you did there..... I see it :clap:
  13. mattman089

    Help Needed

    I have some of your wife that you could borrow for a small fee.. And her permission of course...
  14. mattman089

    Help Needed

    Trust me.. You dont want to do that..
  15. mattman089

    Help Needed

    If you search properly, you can find an avatar in 10 seconds.. IJS. Gracias for the advice amigo :peace:
  16. mattman089

    Help Needed

    Tis what I meant haha.. Will blame it on auto correct.. Or the blue dream from last harvest in my avatar lol. Thanks again for the sound advice!!
  17. mattman089

    Help Needed

    leaf temps as much as possible... may not be able to see in pic but Ive got hydrometer right at the canopy as close as possible to the top.
  18. mattman089

    Help Needed

    had the fan close to them but it put me right below 70 deg... like to keep them as close to 75 as possible..
  19. mattman089

    Help Needed

    Too much water, really? The only reason I ask is I've barely been watering them maybe 4 or 5 days when the cup is very light but will give them even less going forward. As for drainage, i have about 4 - 5 rather large holes in the bottom that don't seem to be an issue. I always like to water...
  20. mattman089

    Help Needed

    I do not... I actually just put a fan on the other side of room today but no where near directly on them.