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  1. GreenthumbQC

    Harvesting CBD strains - My DP critical cure at day 57 flower. Any difference to look for? USB micro

    So my project cheap led and cbd critical cure turned into a not bad looking girl. Is their anything I should be doing different in regards to harvest window with cdb rich strains? Thanks
  2. GreenthumbQC

    Do you think i can get a pound dry with using a 400w hid light

    And help with? They look good. A bit stretched. But wtv. some could use some more feed i think. My two cents. Pce
  3. GreenthumbQC

    Theirs a lot of amber in my Blueberry From dutch Passion. Day 63 flower

    Ok thanks. I read a longgggggg journal on riu and it was really at 81-90 day plant. They dont fatten up much till the end. Thanks again, pce.
  4. GreenthumbQC

    Theirs a lot of amber in my Blueberry From dutch Passion. Day 63 flower

    So I feel shes very Small. Not dense. Fluffy. A real sad plant. Now they state 81 days on the pack. I see my trichs like this. What do you think? Is this normal for blueberry. Thanks in advance, Med
  5. GreenthumbQC

    DNA Golden Berry Sativa Dom. Scrog 1400w HPS/LED day 40 flower onwards

    Anyone? It really makes a diff if i cool it down. I can gain 4 inches.. But at what point have a reached the point of diminishing returns. hmmm
  6. GreenthumbQC

    DNA Golden Berry Sativa Dom. Scrog 1400w HPS/LED day 40 flower onwards

    So my question is two parts. A. Is it best to top up my reservoir at night before lights out or in the morning at lights on? Or it means F all? B. Does anyone have experience with how cold the charged air you push into your air cooled hood has on bulb efficiency? I have very cool charged air...
  7. GreenthumbQC

    DNA Golden Berry Sativa Dom. Scrog 1400w HPS/LED day 40 flower onwards

    Hi, DNA golden berry sativa dom - My other is clearly indica dom. canna aqua flores ec 1.6 ph 5.9 1000w aircooled hood 2 x 180w generic leds that seem to work 22-24c day time 12-16c night time 20< RH% Day 40 of flower counting from the light cycle change. (31 day veg) Apologies for the HPS.....
  8. GreenthumbQC

    Clone lighting question

    BOOM - That's it if you live in a really dry place. Otherwise MANY have MUCH success without dome. They like their bums warm though.. Best of luck!
  9. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    Ahem. Tis morning again. I see a lot of you were offended. Again. I simply spelled it out in my last comment. This is now just a sad outcome of a social project. You see, when you take things this personally, you see, from a cop.. or.. a fag? Or someone who is an amateur grower.... well... it...
  10. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    Oh ok thanks! Your still a dumb Mexican and I know it. You know how I know. You and one other guy are the only ones who haven't fucking clued in yet that im fucking with the dull minded to get a rise. Guess what! You two are the winners! Looooool. . . . 4 pages. Ok that was fun. amateurs. I...
  11. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    It was an auto so... meh as usual.. No soaring thc levels. But a clean smoke. Has a unique taste... You must have tried it as a young en. Before you grew quality.
  12. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    A couple of my favorites from one of my first threads... "Why are you wasting our fucking time?" "your a fckwit simple" "Go fuck yourself, hard, you'll never grow anything that will amount to shit" The best response came a couple months later... But yeah, there certainly are some...
  13. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    Um....Think about what you wrote in what context.
  14. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    Well put for a Mexican. GOOD JOB CHAVEZ!
  15. GreenthumbQC

    Is this the grouchiest angry group of people around or what?

    Hey guys now now. That's a lot of action for a mornings worth, I see theirs more cock smoking computer growers who don't realise when to shut up and bow down to the worlds greatest grower. BOW MINIONS.