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  1. angryblackman

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    I miss you guys!! hahaha
  2. angryblackman

    Breeders Boutique

    9-10 weeks I believe. i remember pulling mine at 9 due to weather.
  3. angryblackman

    Need some help. On when to harvest.

    2-3 weeks maybe 4
  4. angryblackman

    Open Show & Tell 2018

    Still have quite a few weeks to go. I would say 4-6 weeks.
  5. angryblackman

    Breeders Boutique

    Only a few very small plants this season but I still rock the BB inspired stuff! @DST Honeybee by @genuity
  6. angryblackman

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    Love it G!
  7. angryblackman

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    Great minds think alike!!! Outdoor but I'd like to think that we have similar taste. ;) Honeybee (from the testers)
  8. angryblackman

    Breeders Boutique

    Done. :)
  9. angryblackman

    Breeders Boutique

    The new packs are looking great! I need to get off my ass and place an order to get some in the box.
  10. angryblackman

    doublejj's 2018 grow 2.0...

    Looking good DJ! And the plants too! Glad to see you and the crew are still putting in work. :)
  11. angryblackman

    ganga girls northern grow

    Everything is looking beautiful GG! I can't wait to see the final results!
  12. angryblackman

    Outdoor dwc

    I have always wanted to do a outdoor DWC with my Rainforest 66. Looks like a nice project! :)
  13. angryblackman

    Repotting two weeks in flower good or bad have roots coming out bottom

    Yellowing is normal at the beginning of flower as the plants are diverting energy into flower and less "solar panels" are needed. :)
  14. angryblackman

    How much yellowing is ok...?

    I normally just let nature take it's course. I wait until the plant is ready to give them up with a gentle tug. Anything more and they aren't ready. Some like to deleaf as well so you could go that way if you choose just beware you may have some recovery time if you do.
  15. angryblackman

    How much yellowing is ok...?

    You will notice a lot of lowers yellowing and dropping leaves when the plants are starting to flower. You should see that there are a lot of single and fan leaves that are dropping and its totally normal for this time of year.
  16. angryblackman

    A little help?

    They will grow out of it. You can cut out the old growth and they will recover nicely. If you leave the old growth they will continue to be confused and push energy into trying to reveg the old growth. By cutting it out the plants will be able to push more into new growth.
  17. angryblackman

    Younger clones still not in preflower

    We are just about to hit full tilt flowering here in Cali. You should be seeing some action within the next 2 weeks.
  18. angryblackman

  19. angryblackman

    Club 600

    The 1 plant that I decided to grow this year is Honeybee. @genuity FTW! :)
  20. angryblackman

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    haha NICE!! I will be looking forward to the progress!