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  1. asdewqasdfgh

    Black ops ps3 anyone?

    i posted this exact post a week or so ago haha. my tag is the same as my name on here, add me im bouta get on!
  2. asdewqasdfgh

    Need some help with finding a place to grow outside a house

    you have to be in the correct season to grow outdoors, and that season is over. you must use artificial light and heat until the marijuana growing season begins again.
  3. asdewqasdfgh

    Will I Pass a Drug Test?

    if youve smoked 4 times in the past 2 weeks and 2 of those times you smoked concentrates, then i doubt you will pass a test for another 2-4 weeks. and thats if you drink a lot of water. they have herbal drinks you can buy where you drink it, pee once, then the next time you pee it wont show up...
  4. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    damn thats a fat ass top nug. i think im going to let mine grow one massive top this time around, only pruning lower branches early on. is that yours?
  5. asdewqasdfgh

    Possible to re-moisten buds?

    all these methods are great. if i add a peel to a fruit will the bud have a hint of that fruits smell for a while? that can make the value go way up 8)
  6. asdewqasdfgh


    no response...i think you nailed it :roll:
  7. asdewqasdfgh

    The Benefits of Using a Grinder

    i just picked up a 4 piece grinder and am eager to take my first hit of pure kief in a couple weeks of collecting it. ive only used a grinder once or twice and i dont think ill go back after having one.
  8. asdewqasdfgh

    Possible to re-moisten buds?

    Just harvested and my buds dried up a few days earlier than id like. can i throw a fruit peel in there to re-moisten? has anyone done it and how long do i keep it in there?
  9. asdewqasdfgh

    Using cfls without a fan

    ive grown with cfls without a fan. i had one up until right before flowering and it burned out. i didnt have any mold issues but i had gnat issues. its just a real good idea to have new air being blown around.
  10. asdewqasdfgh

    Indoor strain selection?

    if its your first grow then growing with cfls wont be a disappointment. any herb you yield from your first grow is always awesome. but hes right, if you want some seriously potent, solid nugs you should upgrade your lights eventually but for now what you got is fine. as for strains, try some bag...
  11. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    im going to end up ordering some one of these days. i just get frustrated when all the bag seeds ive collected from different crops over the past year or so all turn out to be some crappy hybrid with no strong characteristics. and in theory, you really only have to order a certain strain of seed...
  12. asdewqasdfgh

    Black Ops? PS3???

    if you play black ops send me your psn name so we can party up on some tdm and s&d.
  13. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    haha yeaaaah right im not posting it up in a thread who knows whatll show up in my mailbox :o
  14. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    but what about the package gives them the right to open it up like that? seeds dont smell or weigh anything. there must have been something printed on the box that related to weed or something and thats a stupid little way of getting busted.
  15. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    I have a ton of bag seed but all the plants ive gotten to harvest have just terrible genetics. i want some stinky, skunky, dank, frosty nugs. theres no way im taking the chance of ordering them online.
  16. asdewqasdfgh

    Whos got seeds?

    Im looking for seeds but i dont want to buy them from an online website. Anyone have any alternatives?? :hug:
  17. asdewqasdfgh

    3 Days of Darkness before harest?

    It can only help the plant. I dont see how it would hurt. Just dont water it right before leaving it in darkness to prevent any mold from growing.
  18. asdewqasdfgh

    how many cfl wtts on flower

    well each plant should have at least 100 watts of cfls spread around it to maximize bud production. so i would upgrade your watts a little.
  19. asdewqasdfgh

    Tasted terrible!!!

    yea man, that was a waste but oh well, its too late now. after your bud is DONE, the drying and curing process will have it tasting better
  20. asdewqasdfgh

    how many cfl wtts on flower

    how many plants do you have under those cfls? the key with cfls is to get the plants as close as possible without touching. you CAN always upgrade your watts for flowering, if you only have a plant or 2 then you should be fine with what you got. i flowered a small plant (about an oz dry weight)...