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  1. ElfoodStampo

    My buddies rough grow

    I just talked to him and I'm not sure he's in a position to really say what it could be, Other than a constant 90 deg in the flower room there's no other data to go off of. I'm gonna buy him a moisture meter and start tracking how much he's watering. I'll post a pic of what mine look like for a...
  2. ElfoodStampo

    My buddies rough grow

    Like he's got a bad light leak, or are you thinking something else? Other than messing with the photo period IDK of any other way to force back to veg. The funny thing is there are two other strains in his grow that were not affected like this one. They were all below the netting though, which...
  3. ElfoodStampo

    My buddies rough grow

    A buddy is having an issue with one of three strains he's growing in soil. I think it's over watering and heat stress but I would like to hear what you guys think. The plant is stressed out for sure, it's just difficult narrowing down what the issue may be. These plants are in week 8 of flower...
  4. ElfoodStampo

    HELP!! What is this? Some sort of defiencey or toxicity

    Your plants are pretty "pine green" and leaf tips are burnt. That's over feeding, but the plants look healthy otherwise and not seeing other pics, so you can try more cal/mag to support the nutrients you're trying to push. I would back off the nutes personally though.
  5. ElfoodStampo

    HELP!! What is this? Some sort of defiencey or toxicity

    It's a toxification looking problem. Might be feeding them too much, or not enough cal/mag or a little of both.
  6. ElfoodStampo

    Do i have trouble? (claw and lighter green new growth)

    Yea it looks really good to me too. I bet the color equalizes with the rest of the leaf as it grows.
  7. ElfoodStampo

    What Causes Ph to Drop?

    It sounds like a lot of issues being described may be related to how the water is being buffered. I read a really good article talking about the ion exchange, I'll try to find it.
  8. ElfoodStampo

    What's your favorite tasting strain you have ever grown!

    Back in early 2000's I grew lemon G and it was probably the best tasting of any.
  9. ElfoodStampo

    Seedling leaf dying.

    Hey man, old growth dying means the plant needs some nutrition, it's robbing energy from the old to feed the new. I don't believe coffee grounds and Epsom salt is a good nutrient solution. You may want to try sine miracle grow to start. Good luck!
  10. ElfoodStampo

    white male with Assault Rifle-15 (AR15) kills 4

    Ok fair enough, it has been along stent away from my internet family. But that doesn't negate the fact that Buck is still acting like the red headed step child. I mean he's gotta be 16 or 17 by now.. It time to take a Jordan Peterson pill.
  11. ElfoodStampo

    white male with Assault Rifle-15 (AR15) kills 4

    I haven't been on in like 5 years and Buck is doing the exact same thing now as he did before. Same avatar, same attitude, he sucks.
  12. ElfoodStampo

    white male with Assault Rifle-15 (AR15) kills 4

    AR stands for Armalite actually. It's the company who first produced them.
  13. ElfoodStampo

    Anyone know what is causing this?

    This is a sign of a quick drastic pH swing. So like you dropped the pH too much during a watering or feeding. If this continues to happen to more of the plant your lacking Mg.
  14. ElfoodStampo

    Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect

    I used AN for a brief time and hated it. It was like an alchemy class. It was because of AN that I figured out that its all a big joke. So for that I guess I'm grateful and I paid my tuition to the college of life. Seriously though fuck Advanced Nutrients. Get a single or 2 part with trace...
  15. ElfoodStampo

    soical experiment... Describe Your God

    Its not weak its all inclusive. It was a sly way of saying were all part of the same thing.
  16. ElfoodStampo

    what do u call yourself

    your a private contractor for the United States of America Inc. tell people you track algorithms in the stock market to ensure no insider trading happens and hacking most of your work you do at home. bla bla bla. Your a private commodities broker who buys produce and sells to wholesalers...
  17. ElfoodStampo

    Still waiting for an answer on those purple colours??

    No, identifying why a plant looks fucked up is the opposite of bullshit. I don't know OP personally, I just see what the plant looks like. Again just trying to help out. You should see what the runoff pH is compared to the other plants, then find out where in the pH swing your locking out and...
  18. ElfoodStampo

    The Idiot Kim Jong-un Has to Go

    Buy a plane ticket and go take care of that shit.