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  1. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    No, I like Trump because he trolls everyone. Policy wise, I'm an isolationist. The wall I think is dumb, but I get why he wants it. I don't think we should be fucking around with other countries at all. Trade is cool, but we shouldn't be occupying other countries. I wish there was no PFAS in the...
  2. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Is that what turns you on? For some reason I'm not surprised shit like fucking your family is something you think about. Now that's edgy!
  3. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Somehow Olaf is surviving, I'm sure I can too!
  4. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    No, is that something you recommend doing? And thanks for verifying we were talking about the same woman.
  5. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Hey u need to ask me before you use my pictures on the internet . That's my favorite shirt. Hey on a separate note, Andrew Yang just suspended his campaign. Looks like it might be mayor Pete!
  6. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Shoot, you're right! Is your mom still giving me a ride on the way to the whore house?
  7. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    That's fair, I guess I like that he doesn't have experience. It give an opportunity for fresh perspectives. But I can understand why it's off-putting, for lots of reasons too. I would hope he would surround himself with smart people that know more about the politics . And he isn't fake. I think...
  8. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    I knew I smelt you... Thee KKK endorses you too Buck! So who are you keen on winning the democrate nomination?
  9. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    What makes America great is we are a combination of Russians, Saudi, Chinese, racists, evangelicals, communists, socialists, atheists, all of it. Everyone has a voice and the strongest win. If you believe Russians won't Donald trump the presidency, I believe you will be in for a rude awakening...
  10. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    I've noticed you make a lot of presumptions about me. As if you're mind was made up for you before even reading what I have to say. I dont get your hyper sensitivity, and the KKK was started by Democrats, there's no reason to throw insults.
  11. ElfoodStampo

    First Grow, ready to harvest?

    Hey man, it sounds like you're getting the gist from other people in here, but I'll just add to the fire. You're not going to get anything good from that plant. If you're adventurous, strip it and blast it to see if anything comes off. But I would start over again.
  12. ElfoodStampo

    Letter from pacific gas and electric

    What's to stop you from telling themyou recently purchased a hot tub, put up outdoor lighting, and a taking up welding as a hobby.
  13. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Who said I voted for trump? Warren is a pathological liar and no one likes klobuchar. It's the reason there isn't a clear front runner yet. Everyone is kinda weak, there isn't a JFK in the 2020 race. But at some point all the Democrats are going to have to get behind one person. There are so...
  14. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    I know, that was so stupid.
  15. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    The only establishment candidate for the Democrats is Joe Biden. It doesn't look like he'll get much further though. Everyone else is in some form or fashion, a derivation from a Hillary Clinton or Nancy pelocy. That what I meant by saying there's a shift in the party. Democrats are becoming...
  16. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Well he continues to be present at the debates, he's definitely in the top 6. I think he's correct about automation and how we will loose a lot of jobs because of it. He uses the health and happiness as a barometer for success instead of GDP. He seems different.
  17. ElfoodStampo

    looking for eradicate fungicides for leaf septoria

    Use it as a foliar spray and add it to your water. It literally saved my grow. It triggers immune responses in the plat that stop the invasion. Intruders make their way into the plant through weak or damaged tissue and my understanding is this stuff is a steroid for the plants immune sysem.
  18. ElfoodStampo

    looking for eradicate fungicides for leaf septoria

  19. ElfoodStampo

    Bernie Sanders 2020

    I smell unclebuck...
  20. ElfoodStampo

    Mayor Pete!

    Hey everyone, So somewhat of a opposing view guy here, I'm actually a trump fan, however I'm very interested in the democratic primary because it seems like they're going through a bit of a transition in values. It's exciting for me because it's very likely whoever has nominated is going to be...