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  1. scroglodyte

    The Friend Zone.

    lexapro...............20mg q/day. get back to me in 3 weeks.
  2. scroglodyte

    8 weeks veg ,tiny plant help me please!

    check date off thread. plant is long gone
  3. scroglodyte

    which do you prefer, getting high, stoned, or something in the middle?

    my voices are bad, and tell me to do naughty things................
  4. scroglodyte

    Uneven Mature Question a partial harvest
  5. scroglodyte

    LST: Did i do it right?

    get it in a bigger pot first, imo, and bend at a harsher degree on some of them. at lest 90 degrees to get the hormones(auxins) stimulated.
  6. scroglodyte

    which do you prefer, getting high, stoned, or something in the middle?

    whatever makes the voices stop:)
  7. scroglodyte

    Plant Blues help

    does it need water? what's the story? get a fan on it, maybe too.
  8. scroglodyte

    Fatter buds! Help me i dont know what im not doing right!

    you state you over-watered and over-fed. every time we stress our plants, that's less bud in the jar. imo. don't do these things, and then see yields improve.
  9. scroglodyte

    Can anyone help me here please??

    it can be can be nothing. that plant looks good.
  10. scroglodyte

    New grower here need help.

    shit soil, shit results. re-pot to a proper mix.
  11. scroglodyte

    dont think its nute burn anymore

    flush again, but make sure it dries out afterward. don't drown it. salt build-up, i agree.
  12. scroglodyte

    You Obama voters are just a bunch of feeble minded women

    so, women are "feeble-minded." typical right-wing view.
  13. scroglodyte

    Yellowing in Soil(with pictures)

    try a little N and maybe some Mg
  14. scroglodyte

    Yellowing in Soil(with pictures)

    excessive water from the rain, maybe.
  15. scroglodyte

    Yellowing in Soil(with pictures)

    isolated yellowing means nothing. if it becomes progressive, different story.
  16. scroglodyte

    LST immediatly after topping?

    wait until the 2 tops start growing and LST them, imo.
  17. scroglodyte

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    still up......still smoking.............
  18. scroglodyte

    NUTE LOCKOUT DUE TO PH!!! Have some ?s

    LOL........they are doomed! wtf. healthy plants. stop being a worry-wart
  19. scroglodyte

    im i useing the right nurtes for the flowering stage .?

    all those cannabis-specific nutes are snake oil.
  20. scroglodyte

    help!! brown spots??

    overwatered by the sound of things. pull out the spike and get some real fertilizer