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  1. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    I think the main topic is vaping or vapsmoking with fire. Vapgenie and the method i described are based on the same method. Smoking with a filter, that decreases the heat. For me it is my homemade vapgenie.
  2. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    I already made threads like this, but i think most people here don´t know how to vape without a vape. I know a way, how you can turn your pipe, bong or steamroller into kind of vape or vapour pipe / Bong. It´s not as perfect and clean as a good vape, but it is easy, cheap and good. All you...