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  1. vapeflame

    The most dangerous place on the planet. Hillbrow & Ponte tower.

    Here is an interesting video about the cruel prison life in southafrica. 50 % of the warders at capetown prison have been stabbed or worse. Sometimes they have multiple murders in one month at pollismoor prison. In England they have 2 killed police officers a year, in southafrica nearly 365 (...
  2. vapeflame

    The most dangerous place on the planet. Hillbrow & Ponte tower.

    The world is full of dangerous places, countries, cities and ghettos. I always thought about, what is the most dangerous, violent and bloody of all. New York Bronx, L.A. Compton, Detroit, russian housing projects, brazilian favellas or african townships ? I think i found an answer. It is a...
  3. vapeflame

    Making Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches, Cheese... with 50 % less fat.

    I still didn´t find a church, but i found a new lifestyle ( religion ? ) vaping instead of smoking ( clean lung and body ) tasty food light instead of tasty food fat ( 30 pounds less ) water instead of alcohol ( brain, body, soul, mind...
  4. vapeflame

    Making Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches, Cheese... with 50 % less fat.

    I´m happy to hear that. It changed my life, too. 2 years before i had 210 pounds, now i´ve got 180 pounds. Life is much better, when you are not fat, ugly or constipated. good food - good mood - good digestion - good life - good weed effect
  5. vapeflame

    Who is Jehova ? God, the devil or both.

    I always thought that the name of God is Jehova, but i red it at least 100 times, that Jehova is Satan. Is it true ? Some say, that creating people was the worst crime, ever happened on the planet and the god of this world is the devil. To make people, you need an angel, goddess or ghost from...
  6. vapeflame

    Making Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches, Cheese... with 50 % less fat.

    With this 3 methods i lost 30 pounds, without decreasing taste or amount of food. Just fat, carbs, calories and things that slow down your digestion were decreased. Method 1 : Calories replace method. Some food contains unneccessary fat, sugar, meal or calories. They are not neccessary to...
  7. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    I vape one bowl weed an hour ( 50 mg ), that makes me high for 30 minuits, than i vape a bowl of natural tobacco ( 150 mg, no chemicals ) in 2 puffs, this lasts for 30 minuits again. Result: 0,75 Gramm Weed and 4 gramm tobacco a day Costs: 8,- Euro. Condensate: Less than 2 cigarettes. 90 %...
  8. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    I don´t have to proof anything. I didn´t sell anything to you, and you never pad for my hint. I think, what i do is very useful for people, who don´t know about vaping with screens, no matter if i started it or someone else. I know hundreds of people, who vape with 3 screens,and all started...
  9. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    Adding 2 more screens makes sense, because when you vape right with 2 screens more, green weed should remain ( like in a vape ). When white ash remains it is burned ( dangerous condensate ). The screens should avoid, that the weed gets burned. You have to stop vaping before it really starts to...
  10. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    200 % THC means, when you smoke with 3 pipescreens, you can get up to 200 % thc compared as smoking without screens. Like at normal vaping, it gives you more thc and less cbd, because the heat is decreased, because of the screens or filter, means less thc gets destroyed or converted into cb.. I...
  11. vapeflame

    Making Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches, Cheese... with 50 % less fat.

    For people, who want to loose wheight, it would be important to get a fast digestion. Since i eat food, that is "easy" for the digestion, i lost 30 pounds, while eating as much and tasty than before. What is "poison" for a fast digestion ? Chocolate products. Pigmeat products Mealproducts (...
  12. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    I don´t claim, that i´m the inventor of it, but i talked to hundreds of vapers and some, who were vaping with fire, but no one told me, that he alreade knew, how to vape with screens. I looked at the net, to find some other threads about vaping with fire or screens, but i didn´t find a single...
  13. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    For people, who don´t like vapgenies or vaping with fire, here is a review of popular portable vapes.
  14. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    When this is true, than you were one of a few people, who were vaping with screens, before 2013. Ever created threads about it ? When no one likes my threads, why are you the only person, who comes up with disposts ? All other people were friendly, some even offered me to give me some money...
  15. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    What is a triple stack ? Do you mean 3 pipescreens ? When this is true, than you are right, that i´m not a pioneer of this. Where do you got the information from, about vaping with screens ? Why are there no other threads of vaping with pipescreens, instead of mine, when you google vaping...
  16. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    When you vape like this, than you are able to do this, because i made threads about it. I started to do this at uk420 and thc talk 2013. I have never seen a thread about vaping with screens before. For you it´s nothing new today, but 2 years ago it was something very new. I´m sure you didn´t...
  17. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    Hundreds of millions of people in asia, africa, america, eastern and even western europe still don´t even know, that you can vape with a vape. What is a vape asked me the guy, where i get my weed, 2 Years before. When that much people know, that you can vape without a vape, why are at least 500...
  18. vapeflame

    Making Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches, Cheese... with 50 % less fat.

    I know a way to decrease the fatcontent of tasty fastfood meals, up to 66 %. For Croques, Burgers, Sandwiches.. : Instead of 100 % Remoulade or Mayo, you can use a ground of 50 % Joghurt and a top of 50 Remoulade. Result 100 % taste. 50 % fat, less calories... Also you can make tasty light...
  19. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    For all people, who don´t know what a vapgenie is or vaping with fire is, here is a video.
  20. vapeflame

    200 % THC & rare condensate. Vapsmoking with pipescreens on the weed.

    Call it as you want. I just call this method vapsmoking. A mixture of smoking and vaping.