Yeah I use Advance Nutrients PH Perfect Bid Candy, Big Bud & Vitathrive by ??? Ill flush again but gotta wait till it dries up a bit. PS I had a pinkish COB before so I didn't notice it as much.
I'm enjoying this light & I'm so thankful for everyone who advised me to buy a Quantum Board. Plants are a little yellow. Might be from nute burn? Not sure?
Nice work man. Umm how much $$$ would you be selling a Beast like this? Do you make these regularly? The UVA bulb is a brilliant idea. What you guys come up with is incredible. I want some UVA IRA whatever the sun omits? Lol
Lol the top pic is in your Grow space. The light is so bright you can barely see that plants are underneath. Great job. I'm patiently waiting fir my QB 260 to be mailed out. I think I'm going this route. Thanks to all who posted.
I looked at a link someone had up and AMCPR patients pay $149.00 for 3 clones. WTF ?? You could buy A1 seeds for that price & get top of the line be genetica
Thanks guys. I was leaning towards Perfect Sun Dwarf, Optic 4 &