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  1. N

    First grow, estimated yield predictions, please. Pics included.

    you may be over diagnosing. My brother in law is using my old t5 setup (8 bulbs at 4 feet long )to flower right now in a bathtub. he is using seedism seeds BLZ bud which have stayed at less than 2 feet from top of soil (nice short bushy pheno) and he just scored almost 6 oz between 3 plants...
  2. N

    tobacco mosaic virus?

    I highly doubt it. Some growers (myself included) believe it is almost a myth when it comes to cannabis. Im not a virologist so I wouldnt even dare say its impossible, however Ive been around grow rooms with smokers handling grows that never seen it. In over 10 years of experience Ive never...
  3. N

    Design advice?

    the only way to steal power is to get you a utility subcontractor sticker on your truck. Quickly and stealthily climb up the pole where transformer is located and run you a new set of lines wrapped around your existing feed (in attempts to hide the fact that you have 2 feeds going to one house)...
  4. N

    Design advice?

    his 8k alone would have not done it. it was the combination of him running 8k with neighbors most likely cooking (ovens) and possibly washing clothes(dryers) and god knows what else. The transformer was already feeding too many houses. the first time it blew the power company didnt think...
  5. N

    Design advice?

    LMAO when you mentioned bitcoins. believe it or not I have huge magnetic stickers on the sides of my truck advertising a nonexistent bitcoin consulting company that just has my cel number on it.. I do still own a few BTC i never cashed in and i do get calls once in awhile in which I explain to...
  6. N

    Design advice?

    about power consumption... wanted to add a buddy of mine really pushed the boundaries with this. He only got caught because the transformer blew up twice in a month from his over excessive draw. transformers feed multiple houses. he forgot this evidently.
  7. N

    Design advice?

    as in raising eyebrows, find out if you have a smart meter that can constantly communicate back with the utility company. My smart meter does not do this. The utility company has to send a driver that parks on the side of the road. he then runs a software program on a special laptop that...
  8. N

    Design advice?

    this will build up massive amounts of heat. IF room is enclosed, it will eventually ruin compressor
  9. N

    First grow, estimated yield predictions, please. Pics included.

    look at it as surface area. what will capture more light? A fan leaf the size of your hand or a bud site? the fan leaves primary function is photosynthesis. Stems have other primary functions. So does the bud sites. Trimming early will NEVER help. Also even trimming late leaves you with the...
  10. N

    making shatter and need some advice

    I love winterizing due to it being much easier on the lungs and because the final product is also more potent. However this process doesnt just remove wax and lipids, it also removes some if not almost all of your terpene profile but you will have a much better tasting BHO mixture compared to...
  11. N

    making shatter and need some advice

    I dont understand how one can purge slower. Unless if you mean less time. Crank that vacuum up as high as it goes. Even at slightly higher than room temperature cannabinoids under full vacuum begin to escape. However this only happens to the cannabinoids on the surface of the mixture. (think of...
  12. N

    making shatter and need some advice

    if you can transition product from your blasting chamber to your vacuum chamber while still reacting, heat will not be necessary. the higher the temps the easier the terpenes escape. Colder temps equals more flavors but less potent (5-10% more potency can equal a much nastier tasting product...
  13. N

    making shatter and need some advice

    stay away from youtube. 99% of those do it wrong. The other 1% do not really show you the step by step details. also strain and whatever else they claim that supposively controls texture is a myth. However non resinous product will make it harder to make a stable shatter
  14. N

    making shatter and need some advice

    shatter 101. blast into a pyrex dish sitting in warm water. This is to help rid the bubbling butane faster. No warm water will attract humidity to your mixture as it takes forever to rid of the liquid butane. once the butane has almost completely evaporated (while mixture is still bubbling)...
  15. N

    Medical Grade Butane?

    no such thing as medical grade. Its a deceptive marketing attempt. In the medical industry hexane NOT butane is used. the best butane to use in the U.S. is Lucienne. it also happens to be relatively cheap. Graywolf over at skunkpharms has a link up of all the butanes theyve tested
  16. N

    Jumping in

    4-8 lbs if you are a grow god. Expect much less if its your first time. LEDs will never get you there. I know someone whose name id rather not drop that got a marketing deal thru an led supplier. All of his grows were using HID. he would simply use LED while flushing for the last week or 2 and...
  17. N

    does anyone suggest any changes?

    depends on your goals. as it is the only thing i would do different is get a lightmover if budget allows it. This will move your t5 set up back and forth creating equal bud growths over all the tops. otherwise the buds to the sides not directly under the light will suffer. Once you get some...
  18. N

    Design advice?

    you said earlier that you are using 1 1000 to flower. ( 2 ) 600 watt side by side (touching) will give you a lot more light in your areas than 1 1000 watt ever will. Even if you are growing trees. Do not try CO2 bags. they work about as good as you singing to them. Even a CO2 tank will be leaked...
  19. N

    Wiring a lighting controller

    even if he used 2 single poles, all he would have to do is cut a piece off of the copper wire(12 gauge works best) to slide it in the holes that are on the breaker switch. This would link both of your single poles and would almost make it impossible to only turn one on. Just dont skip any spaces...
  20. N

    Wiring a lighting controller

    Never ran into a double pole breaker that slid on the same busbar. Am I missing something? Have to ask being that I was an electrician and AC tech for over 4 years.