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  1. frizfrazjaz

    Nuke em and thrips

    So I just bought a 10’x5’x6.5’ tent and put 10 plants in it. I’ve never dealt with thrips, so I used my Flying Skull Nuke ‘em on them. I applied a heavy recommended dose with soil wet before spraying. 3 applications 3 days apart. I cleaned tent like I would for mites, w/ bleach. It did not work...
  2. frizfrazjaz

    Molasses water

    Well said. And you’re spot on with just about 1/2 dose CalMag every watering. We still use chlorine in the process, so I let it sit for a day.
  3. frizfrazjaz

    1 Year later

    You got to love it when people go all in like you did. Outstanding!
  4. frizfrazjaz

    Molasses water

    I have 20 ppm tap and read to bring my ppm’s up between 125-150 ppm’s. I did this and my plants completely turned around. They had what looked like a severe p deficiency. Dried up, twisted, curled up growth.
  5. frizfrazjaz

    Calibrate/Check those PH pens

    For the inexpensive meters, using storage solution helps. Just a little in the cap. Just enough for squeeze out. Also, letting it soak for at least 10 minutes will give quicker reading.
  6. frizfrazjaz

    Cal mag or nahhh?

    You use dolomite lime in your medium?
  7. frizfrazjaz

    My perpetual flower tent.

    You have a grow journal. I was wondering about your timing from veg to flower?
  8. frizfrazjaz

    Anyone topdress their soils with sand for bugs?

    I didn’t have much luck with it. I used sand box sand. Drip system works just ok, and siphon watering just seems to breed more gnats and such. I think diatomaceous earth would be worth it.
  9. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

  10. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    I’m assuming you test the tds ppm’s of your water. My ppm’s from tap are around 20 ppm. Very soft! I add CalMag to raise ppm’s between 125-150. Then I add nutes on top of that to the correct ppm for the stage of growth. You are starting at 490 ppm, so it would make sense that you’re not able to...
  11. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    Before you buy water, let it acclimate, like diabolical suggested. I have never had wind burn that bad, but pics don’t lie.
  12. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    You have hard water? I don’t so....
  13. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    General marijuana growing; Water: The Most Essential Compound by doc111
  14. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    You are ph’ing, yes? If not, you need to. 490ppm is pretty hard. There’s a lot of threads in here about hard water. As far as tent cleaning, it sounds like you’ve read more than myself.
  15. frizfrazjaz

    Bug or Nute problem?

    I see a little canoeing up top, but no burnt edges on those particular leaves. Lower leaves effected as well, so heat burn, not seeing. Nute burn possible, but not to this extent with 1/4 nutes. Fungus gnats are good possibility, if you are not root bound in a 4” pot.
  16. frizfrazjaz

    Plant wilted really badly over night! Pics

    Is it the only translucent pot you’re using?
  17. frizfrazjaz

    not out of the woods yet..

    From my experience, there is no immediate way to kill all the stages of bugs. Whatever you use to eradicate them, there must be a regimen involved. Like 4 treatments in 10 days with follow up maintenance treatments. It’s a painstaking process, but worth it.
  18. frizfrazjaz

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    I test it with my meter and it’s never went outside those readings. It basically is like ro, I guess. Is there anything I should add for drinking purposes?
  19. frizfrazjaz


    I think I was confusing rhodelisation with hermaphroditism.