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  • i'm confused of what soil mix to use? There is a local company where i live that makes thier own mixes that i have used in my raised garden beds for all my vegtables and it has done a great job. The mix is 50% compost 50% soil. I'm thinking about using it as my growing mediem does any one see an issue with this?

    Thank you for any suggestions and commets.
    That should be fine. Some people just use native soil and feed through watering.. I like to do both. Rabbit poo is my favorite and then I throw in EB Stone composting bales and the worm castings. I use SeaMax when watering
    Thanks petert! I believe i'm starting to over think everthing =)
    I'm a little east of Portland, about 50 miles. Portland is a lot wetter than NorCal..But its really nice
    hey whats up man my dad used to live in portland. You close to that city at all? I herd oregon is so nice. I am in norcal and would love to get up there maybe in the summer or spring time.
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