Recent content by Wvman020

  1. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    Needed the tent for hanging and drying. They just didn't finish in time. They both made good rosin. I was happy with where they were at.
  2. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    Maybe this next run will change my mind. I also have it in a pringles can. Cut back on the watering and this one is taking off nice. Last run was stunted for a month. (Overwatered)
  3. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    Those were in 3 gallons. I ended up with roughly 1.5 off each
  4. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    Just a regular auto
  5. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    This girl isn't even 2 weeks old yet. (AUTO)
  6. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    Making room for the photos
  7. W

    1st time growing autos. Almost finished

    New ones are off to a much better start. These had issues. First time working with Autos
  8. W

    how can i eliminate the grow smell

    Harvesting is a whole different beast
  9. W

    how can i eliminate the grow smell

    Gonna have to figure out how to keep the smell down during trimming
  10. W

    9 weeks, Still waiting...

    Who asked for input? I don't see one question mark in the post??
  11. W

    9 weeks, Still waiting...

    You really have no idea what you are talking about. I don't recall asking for advice either... Where did you see a question anyway?
  12. W

    9 weeks, Still waiting...

    I can send you some seeds. I'd honestly love to see what someone else could do with it.
  13. W

    9 weeks, Still waiting...

    It's actually closer to week 11 if you do the math. I also wait a week or 2 before I start keeping track. First week or 2 is just stretch. It doesn't count towards flower.