Recent content by undo

  1. undo

    Advice needed on outdoor grow, uk

    mate they are just about spot on for normal photo plants be ready bout 3rd 4th week oct
  2. undo

    Has anyone heard of T-budding?

    how can you graft cannabis to a tomato? they come from two diffarent familys it would be like grafting a fish to cow. The only plant in the same family as cannabis is hops. and i still think its doubtfull.
  3. undo

    Discussion! Plant in Pot or Ground?

    60cmx60cmx100cm deep should be a good start bigger than most pots out there and free !
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    Other Veggies in my Grow Room :)

    tomatoes are one of the worst plants for attracting pests white fly aphids into you grow space!
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    Has anyone heard of T-budding?

    that meathod is for roses and fruit bushes and such with a bark that can be peeled back to insert the bud. the realevent meathod for pot would bee grafting where stems are stripped of bark on one side and joined to a stem that has been treated the same. then they are taped together. yes you can...
  6. undo

    Pot, Ground, Bag, Or What?

    no need for the bags just dig the holes big 60cmx60cmx100cmdeep and fill with your potting mix. I think the bag might keep the roots traped the more they can spread the more water nutes they can find.
  7. undo

    My outdoor grow

    ive grown great white shark outside in the u.k great mould resiistance and good amounts of buds at the end finishes a little later(start of november) but worth the wait. got given some el nino at a trade fair by greenhouse but they never sprouted mabee old stock for a giveaway?
  8. undo

    Help on growing in the UK

    ive been using 3x 20w energy savers in a 40cm x40cmx 60cmgrow space. started them begining of jan put them in at 16-8hrs light a day then about the 15th march put them on a south facing window sill. (about 40cms high at this point) they are all showing there sex over the last couple of days (all...
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    Help on growing in the UK

    you would be going some to get 5 grams dry from low ryder outside.
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    Help on growing in the UK

    slug pellets are a must for an outdoor grow.
  11. undo

    best cure for insomnia?

    have you ever tried valarian it it makes me sleep for a long time. but you do wake up with a bit of a hangover if you havent slept for 10hrs or more! You can get it from any health store in england.
  12. undo

    outdoors in europe

    in england we've had good results with greenhouse seeds over the last few years. the church is real nice and a very big plant. Great white shark is good and is mould resistant which is helpfull if it's wet later on in the year!
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    best ethnobotanical that works?

    salvia divinorum is one that really works smoke the dry leaf in a bong two good tokes and your there. the extracts are somthing else like d.m.t but far stranger!
  14. undo

    finally got shrooms

    in the uk liberty caps are active at between 0.5-1grm dry. about 20-30 mushrooms
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    bug's NNNOOO!!!!

    are they doing any damage to your plants if you have little white or yellow dots showing on the tops of the leaves then its mite if they leave silver patches on top of leaves and black stuff underside then they are thrips ive had a few this year got rid using garlic crushed and left to soak in...