Help on growing in the UK


Active Member
Me and a couple of my mates are thinking about starting an outdoor grow in the north of the England , bought some purple power seeds a PH tester, Nutrients for later on, some small pots etc. is there anything else important that we need? and when is the best time to start growing them outdoors in this part of the country?

get a small green house , even a cheap plastic one will help mate , this is my second time round growing outdoor in uk , im in aberdeen , but its easy enough , if its warm enough go for it you could also put them in the sun in the day with a clear plastic bag over them and take them in after sun , eitherway i find outdoor weed better than indoor :)
alrite mates,

im in uk too (london) but currently growin indoor, wana start growin outdoor come june, crankmaster have u grown outdoor b4? how much did u yield per plant if so coz some ppl tell me they get like 15oz per plant LOL thats fukin cray-z
Im in the UK 2. im thinking of doing an outdoor grow this year aswell (1st time outdoors!). I no of a river near where one of my friends lives. iv already scouted a couple of spots where i want 2 grow. the Ph of the river is very high.

sooo isit best to grow in a big container full of soil and water it with the water from the river (Ph adjusted). or just plant the seed in the swampy area near the river bank and hope for the best??
(the area is secluded).

orrrr i was thinking getting a couple auto flowers and growing up in a tree :eyesmoke: ( I already scouted the tree. its got a snapped off trunk way up high, and its big enough to put a couple of average sized pots) But its kinda early in the year dont u think seeing as they take like just over 2 months from seed.
cheers mate.

say i was going to be growing away from my house and i couldnt set up even a small greenhouse as people may notice it, could i still grow it outdoors? i could grow them to about 15cm in my house before i would have to move them outside would i be able to plant them in some woods aslong as the soil ph was right and they were getting enough light where they wer planted?

thanks aain
Another UK`er here from yorkshire top end
i started a grow last year and ended up planting 1 outside in the middle of the year when the light times wer over 13hours daylight
she was in a 1 gallon garden pot i did it just as a tester as my mates said it would die but it loved the outside light and fresh air

check out this thread of mine which has pictures of my plant outside

this year i will be planting about 10 plants in couples of 2 in 5 different areas of the countryside away from any roads paths houses so they wont be killed and spotted, i will be posting pictures of them later in the year

my advice if u are going to grow outside never tell anyone where they are and watch your back when visiting your plants always take a different route as u might get followed.

Happy budding

as undo said slug pellets a must i didnt use slug pellets but did use egg shells broken up into small pieces .. but you will need to use something as mine did get attcked at one point and its amazing how much they can consume in one day...
thanks alot guys the help is appreciated :)

My friends always said you wouldnt be able to grow it outside in this country so i never tried it up untill now.

Ive gathered all the equipment ill need and are now awaiting my purple power seeds, what is the best method to germinate the seeds? ive ehard that you can place them in damp cotton wool and leave them in a warm dark place is that right?

Weve found a perfect grow location in a forest about 20 mins away from my house, no roads or paths near by so i dont think ill be having any visits from the west yorkshire police haha well hopefully anyway :D

Thanks again for help
Nice to see more UK people here :-)

If you have never grown outdoors UK before then you are in for a big surprise! My advice?.... start them indoors, windowsills fine with a bit of LST etc. PLant around mid May, directly in the ground to really let those roots dig down to the water table and watch them go. Protect young plants with a ring of chicken wire etc. Choose your spots carefully of course. I watched a Scottish guy last year doing a guerrilla grow diary and he ended up with 10foot beasts with huge colas, planted on a south facing slope. In a garden you will need to work hard at traniing them during veg, keep removing the main tops or bend and tie by pinching to encourage them to spread rather than gain height, you can keep them under 6' this way when finished. Quality can be every bit as good as indoor grown buds, this is after all the way nature intended :-)

Hope this helps.
another Uk'er. was just gonna start my own thread and seen this one. sorry for hi-jacking.

was wondering what the best time to plant new seedlings is. im in the North west. this will be my first attempt outdoors. cheers
yeh thats why i have orderd 1 cos ive killed about 5 timers so far lol
mine was £16 + £5 delivery
i dont know what a relay is thou. the guy behind the counter said it will support ur setup (coz id just bought a 600w from him as well) coz its got a relay in with a timer on top as well, so i thought it was really good deal.

as for ourdoors, when should i plant seeds for veg? i was thinkin maybe a month or so of veg. end of april / may?
another uk'er here, (south east).

I'm defo gonna be doing a couple plants in the summer. Prob just gonna go down the auto road, keep them in my tent for 2 weeks then get them out in that sun (if we have any!)
yeah hopefully we'll have some. my uncle lives in the south west and in summer his area is always hotter than up here.

hopefully the north will have some good weather this year.
alreeet fellas good to see some more growers from up north ( Newcastle myself ) good luck with your outdoor grows i've often wondered about giving it a go durham isnt far from me n i know some really secluded spots but i just cant see us having the summer for it!? prove me wrong guys n i might give it a go next summer( if it ever arrives)
alreeet fellas good to see some more growers from up north ( Newcastle myself ) good luck with your outdoor grows i've often wondered about giving it a go durham isnt far from me n i know some really secluded spots but i just cant see us having the summer for it!? prove me wrong guys n i might give it a go next summer( if it ever arrives)

do it in ur back garden!! thats what im gonna try for lol.
I too will be starting my 1st outdoor grow this year. Planting in the woods, look forward to seeing how everyone else does