Pot, Ground, Bag, Or What?


Active Member
Im Planning On Growing A Shit Load Of Plants Outdoors So It Will Be Hard For Me To Get Pots For All Of My Plants. I Figured That I Could Just Dig Holes In The Woods & Put Garbage Bags In The Holes & Fill The Bags With Soil & Have My Plants In There...I Figured That Would Also Help To Hide Obvious Items Such As Pots Or Other Things To People Such As Hunters Or Anyone By Chance Walking Through The Woods My Plants Will Be In...Ill Be Using Woods That Have No Hunting Signs & Shit Up To Avoid Most Likely Traffic Anyways, But Rather Be Safe Then Sorry. Anyone Got Any Better Ideas Im Definatly Up For Ideas & Opinions..
no need for the bags just dig the holes big 60cmx60cmx100cmdeep and fill with your potting mix. I think the bag might keep the roots traped the more they can spread the more water nutes they can find.
I am going to try the garbage bag with small holes in the bottom, and for most just dig holes with water polymer.
take a 5 gallon bucket and measure up about 3" from the bottom and drill holes around the exterior perimiter of the bucket (so water can drain), than bury the bucket in the ground and plant in it. Therre's enough space to grow those babies 5 feet tall

growing in a container alows for better nutrient absorption, as they won;t leach into the surrounding soil
if your gonna be digging holes why would you put the plants in a abucket or pot? just plant them in the ground!! keeping them in a acontainer will not let the roots grow to full potential which in turn causes your plant to do the same.

plant some in the ground and some in a bucket or bag and seee with your own eyes.
My First Year I Grew A Few Straight Out The Ground...I Also Grew Some In A 5 Gallon Buckets Buried In The Ground As Well... In My Opinion Using A Pot Or Bucket Will Help To Hold Water That Way I Dont Have To Go Water My Babies Everyday Due To 100 Degree Temps In Mid Summer...Also With Garbage Bags A Big Root Will Bust Right Through The Plastic If The Roots Get Crowded...I Think Anyways, I Mean If Roots Can Bust Through Concrete Im Sure A Garbage Bag Wont Stand a Chance..Either Way A Garbage Bag Should Give Enough Room For My Babies To Grow Pretty Big...For Those That Suggest Growing Straight Out The Ground, I Did That Before & Had Several Problems...The Soil Always Dried Out To Fast & I Has Major Problems With Termites...I Was So Pissed When I Found Out Why My Babies Were Dying! Thanks For The Replies