Theres a bunch of little tiny white spider looking bugs crawling around in the soil of one my babies they have six legs I'm pretty sure and a bigger body then slightly smaller head but there so tiny it hard to make out. Should I be worried about them killing my plant? and would flushing it with...
Well I Know the only reason people see ghosts, spirits w/e is because they actually believe in it, I believe if you believe in it you'll see it...
I use to see these things when I was a kid and I did believe in it, but then i grew up one day and havn't seen shit since because none of it is...
hristianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg. the...
hristianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg. the...
Christianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg...