Is There An Afterlife?

Unless you're an atheist and know what awaits you at death. Puts things in perspective.

Atheists don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, then again that goes for every religion. I believe in the afterlife simply because I know someone who's witnessed life after death. That would be my uncle, when he was in his late 30's he suffered a heart attack, died, had an NDE, and studied spirituality ever since. I let everyone believe as they wish and don't care about anyone elses opinion on the afterlife... I know what the beginning of death looks like from the eyes of a family member and that is enough for me. Besides, in the grand scheme of things... all of this (universe) didn't come from nothing :) Scientifically impossible to create something from nothing correct? If that's not the case, please conjur 300lbs of fine grade dank out of thin air and share the wealth.
Atheists don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, then again that goes for every religion. I believe in the afterlife simply because I know someone who's witnessed life after death. That would be my uncle, when he was in his late 30's he suffered a heart attack, died, had an NDE, and studied spirituality ever since. I let everyone believe as they wish and don't care about anyone elses opinion on the afterlife... I know what the beginning of death looks like from the eyes of a family member and that is enough for me. Besides, in the grand scheme of things... all of this (universe) didn't come from nothing :) Scientifically impossible to create something from nothing correct? If that's not the case, please conjur 300lbs of fine grade dank out of thin air and share the wealth.

That might be enough for you but it is not enough for me.

People who pass out during fighter jet training also experience NDEs and they are nowhere near death (or at least not fighting for their life). It seems likely our brain puts on a show for us as we are exiting. NDEs are not evidence for life after death.... scientifically speaking.

Not sure where the conjuring something out of nothing is coming from - but i would guess you are referring to big bang theory. If your understanding of the theory is something came from nothing, i would encourage more research into big bang theory.
The fact of the matter is science will never be complete, so long as the Earth continues to exist. Most of the members of the scientific community will spend the remainder of their lives discovering the majesty of human evolution and the aging of the Earth, and still not come close to mapping it all out.

Just try and imagine the complexity of an ecosystem such as ours, with the capacity to sustain life and propogate species intelligent enough to bring us to our level of present sophistication. These things cannot be explained in a series of books with some choice phrases and parables.

Ultimately human beings reach an end. You know it as you have seen and heard of people reaching their own demise. It is common knowledge, all people learn at some point in life that, just like the people before them, and before them, that life will end.

Naturally all species are scared of things that they cannot explain, and aim to discover the reality of what these things are. In the more primitive times of which the bible was written, people would be subject to that same fear. What happens to us when we die? How can we communicate with each other? How do the organs inside us function? Unfortunately, scientific technology was nonexistent in these times and so they resorted to what so many other civilizations did before them: Created a God theory.

The God theory was their attempt to explain the reasoning for life. They had no idea about the scientific workings of the world around us, and so they assumed that life must have been created by a supreme being, perhaps an Alpha male being, such as the traditional God we know today.

However the rise of scientific technology over past centuries has explained many of the questions people sought to explain thousands of years ago.

What happens when we die? When the brain and nervous system shuts down, the heart and lungs cease to function. We are no longer able see, to move or to communicate and our body becomes a cadaver. That's it.

How can we communicate with each other? Like most species, our ability to communicate complex thoughts with other humans like ourselves is a byproduct of millions of years of evolution. It begins in the era of the Neanderthal, with a string of body language and grunting and evolves over time into the formation of universally accepted audibles, such as laughter and crying.

How do our organs function? Just grab a high school Biology textbook.

Religion remains a staple of modern life because it is a system of routine, and because people today share the same fear they shared thousands of years ago.

All I am saying is that science has disproven the afterlife. It is scientifically impossible for you to live on in some form or another after you die. Its impossible. There are thousands of pages of research to prove this. Research Darwinism and Natural Selection, or the ever-expansive library of human biology.

Religious organizations state, without any evidence to substantiate their claims, that their is a superior being, who watches everything that every human being on the planet does, and judges them accordingly when their time comes. If you follow the man-made doctrines and conventions put forth in the Supreme Beings' handbook (worship him, spread his message, give offerings to him) when your body no longer functions you will float up to paradise, with all your relatives and friends who died before you. You will be happy and live forever in bliss. However, if you do what you want and do not worship, evangelize, and give you will descend into a fiery pit where you will live in agony and sadness for all eternity.

All religions use this metaphor in one way or another, some in more extreme circumstances than others. Obey and Worship in this life for reward in your second, more luxurious life. Live life for yourself and spend forever burning and suffering in a lake of fire.

Alternatively I propose you spend some time familiarizing yourself with the beauty that await you in this life. If you want some examples of how amazing and complex nature is, take a look at the BBCs' documentary series Planet Earth.
Science has proven it's not possible to exist after death? I doubt it's proven unless I scientist killed himself then somehow came back to life and told us "Nope, nothing there"... It's impossible for science to prove something spiritual... as that requires belief and faith, and it's just as impossible for science to disprove spiritual happenings in the same way. Point is, believe what you will... but understand that no one, not even the best team of scientists... can tell you what happens after you die. Also, human biology has nothing to do with spiritualism or the afterlife. The body is a vessel for the spirit, which is not an organ but something mysterious and something you must believe in and have faith in. I do not believe in most Christian doctrines and have separated myself greatly... I live my life, do good in general, help others... essentially try and make my life and others lives better, if it is God up there, I hope he sees my deeds and lets me in anyways even though I haven't truly worshiped strictly to him.
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Science and human biology has not proven there is no afterlife. It has proven that human beings do not have souls, spirits, or other supernatural phenomenon. It has proven that human beings have evolved gradually over the past million years, from apes to Neanderthals to the evolutionary state we exist in today. Over said time we have developed and continue to develop a complex system of inter-personal communication, so commonly referred to as language. We have learned to live amongst one another, and have established a complex society. Gradually over our lifetime we grow and age, and eventually our organs can no longer function and we die. Soon after death our bodies become stiff and overtime our bodies decompose into organic matter. All of this is proven by scientific research and inquiry and through human experience.

Simply, I believe in what I know exists. You can play around with speculation all your life and not come any closer to finding out the truth behind your precious God. The fact of the matter is, and I say this with no anger or hostility: you're a fence sitter and a hypocrite. You steer away from religious indoctrination but you still harbor a strange paranoia that if you disavow God you will still be damned in the afterlife, even if you believe that you have avoided Christian doctrine.

" I hope he sees my deeds and lets me in anyways even though I haven't truly worshiped strictly to him."

Lets you in? Heaven and Hell is a manifestation of Religious belief, Christianity included. In fact, it is one of the core beliefs of the Christian faith. How can you say you have separated yourself greatly from Christian Ideology but still believe in the core doctrine of that same faith.

I appreciate your choice of lifestyle: Live life and do good to those around you. If I had to think of a meaning of life, that would pretty much be it. But PLEASE, do not do so expecting some 'divine' brownie points that can get you into that big BIG city in the sky (if heaven existed, which it doesn't, I have reason to believe it would be a bit crowded.)

Simply, heaven and hell are creations in the bible. The concept of heaven and hell did not exist before the bible was available, hence the bible created heaven and hell. God did not create heaven and hell, they are allegories to scare people into devoting there life to religion and giving money to the church for fear of retribution by the 'almighty.' It keeps people in line and keeps the money coming in. I think of it as a form of extortion (give me A and B or else C will happen). Plus, if you don't worship god and obey him, the bible says you will go to hell. So, if you believe in heaven and hell, looks like thats where you'll be going.

As for your belief in spirituality, let me ask you,

What does ones' spirit look like?
What is it made out of?
How much does it weigh?
How long does it exist?
Does your soul grow? If so, by how much and how often?
How does your soul leave your body after death? If so, Where does it go?

These are simply rhetoric. I know you cannot answer any of these questions and you do not have any evidence to substantiate your claims.

Personally I think when you die you are reunited with all of your dead relatives and pets, your most prized possessions, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and John Belushi in the "Cheers bar of the fifth dimension" where its always happy hour and dinosaurs roam free with helmets and bicycles; and I have as much evidence to substantiate my claims as you.
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hristianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg. the ten commandments

"Thou shall not kill" so people stop killing each other.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." people stop thinking about killing each other...
"Thou shall not steal" People stop stealing from each other.
"Thou shall not be covet" people shouldn't even think of stealing things.
"Honour thy father and thy mother." obey your parents/superiors, they will teach you to live through life.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" don't have sex before marriage...
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" So the people would believe in their theory other than the other 100s of gods there are...

This is the most important because many other gods were believed in back then and the leaders needed the people to believe they were going to go to hell for an "eternity" not a life-time if they didn't believe in the "christan god," but those who obeyed the commandments could enjoy heaven for an eternity on the clouds.

Which should basically sum what this group of superior intelligent "leaders" did to make a socialized human society instead of us all killing each other. plus all the other commandments but there just loyalty honor, and truth. which I could go on about but they seem pretty obvious... don't be a douch

These guys must have been the smartest guys of all of humanity if you think about it.

[FONT=&quot]"You are all descendants from the creation of the Eternal Father, Adam and Eve. And as such you face the trials, you face the punishments, as they did; for there is a reward for holiness and purity and piety and following the Commandments of your God. And then, My children, there is also a deficit in reward by your banishment to the abyss, eternal damnation forever with Lucifer."
This is just one quote from the bible which should sum the whole bible it started with incest, brother/sister family adam and eve... which also committed Adultery so they obivously went to hell and so must all of us if its true so why even beleive in god? if your just going to hell

I'm sure me or anyone else could just on and on, but from my experience I've never even went to church 1 Sunday and seeing 1 earth compared to the millions of other planets in the universe and were the only one with life seems pretty ridiculous...

Especially when we can recreate life with our own "light,soil, and water" hell... if you think far out... a seed grows underground "WITHOUT" any light and roots continue to grow and grow without any light so why do you need light for life? you don't! millions of species exist deep in the ocean where light doesn't even exist...

it just seems like some of these people ate alot of mushrooms or moon flower seeds like me and seen gods in the sky... sounds pretty cheesy haha i laugh at you all!!!
Aw, don't clone posts man. Not cool. I regularly watch these threads so I just saw you post two identical posts within five minutes. Besides Christianity and belief in an afterlife are two different subjects, not worthy of a duplicate post.
Well I Know the only reason people see ghosts, spirits w/e is because they actually believe in it, I believe if you believe in it you'll see it...

I use to see these things when I was a kid and I did believe in it, but then i grew up one day and havn't seen shit since because none of it is real... people watch this stuff none stop t.v. or the internet and believe its real then they start to see and hear shit all over.. I've been with someone like it and I didn't see or hear anything... I'm beginning so suspect your all illuminatingly delusions in your heads and are INSANE.
Science has proven it's not possible to exist after death? I doubt it's proven unless I scientist killed himself then somehow came back to life and told us "Nope, nothing there"... It's impossible for science to prove something spiritual... as that requires belief and faith, and it's just as impossible for science to disprove spiritual happenings in the same way. Point is, believe what you will... but understand that no one, not even the best team of scientists... can tell you what happens after you die. Also, human biology has nothing to do with spiritualism or the afterlife. The body is a vessel for the spirit, which is not an organ but something mysterious and something you must believe in and have faith in. I do not believe in most Christian doctrines and have separated myself greatly... I live my life, do good in general, help others... essentially try and make my life and others lives better, if it is God up there, I hope he sees my deeds and lets me in anyways even though I haven't truly worshiped strictly to him.

You know i never said that. Science may never prove there is no life after death (and I don't think science is trying to prove anything - one way or another - just looking for evidence for either). The EVIDENCE is - NDEs can be replicated without dying so what I said was - NDEs are not evidence or proof of an afterlife. So far there is no proof or evidence of an afterlife except a lot of people believing really, really hard.

Scientists can tell you what happens to your body and mind after you die and have found no other energy that escapes or lives on (like a soul). If consciousness is a function of the brain and nothing more then there appears to be no after-life. But this is certainly not conclusive and hardly all encompassing.

Perhaps... just a thought experiment here ... perhaps scientists can not prove or disprove spiritual things because they only exist in our minds. I am not saying this is the case - just something to ponder.
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i feel like there is something else after life is over....i am stating this simply on a strong feeling i have...nothing more...i think religion is bullshit and im not into witch craft....i have just always had this strong feeling that there is something else....however..i dont live my life thinking ive got all the time in the world..or this is just the passage to the afterlife or any of that....and i could be the grand sceme of the universe we are just insignificant specs of dust on one of the millions of planets....we could just be an overgrown parasite who have overevolved......
Old life dies and new life begins ,As simple as , Or that after life place is full to the neck ,

I wonder .... do you think my dead pets i missed as a lad are all in the after life place with my dead plants ...It seems the place to be :mrgreen:
Alright, I would like to start off by saying that I am Catholic, and I smoke pot. I have not found pot to lower my inhibitions, so I don't see anything wrong with it. Also, relating to religion, I have gone to Catholic school for 10 of my 12 years. I firmly believe in everything the Church teaches (not blindly though), I love the Pope and the Saints, etc.

I have not always been Catholic, but I like several of the previous posters, have always had a feeling of an afterlife/God/supreme being. I believe in Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. I do not believe (and the CC [Catholic Church] does not teach) that non-Catholics/Christians can't go to heaven. Rather, we believe that as long as somebody tries to live a good life based on what he was taught to be right and wrong (whether religion plays into that or not), then he/she will go to Heaven (and maybe make a stop in Purgatory).

Purgatory, is reserved for most of us, who have done wrong, and are sorry. Even though we are sorry, the damage that our sins have caused are still on our souls (a stain if you will), and we need to be purified of those stains before we can go to Heaven. Thus anybody who is in Purgatory will go to Heaven, and has no chance of going to Hell.

Hell is most obviously reserved for those who do not follow the moral code they were taught and/or have come to accept, and do wrong regardless.

Sorry for a long post. I by no means want to sound arrogant. Just two more things:
1. If anybody has any serious questions on Catholicism, what we believe in, or where we stand on moral issues, feel free to PM me.
2. Just a thought to chew on... I got this from Fr. Larry Richards' (maybe some people have heard of him) talk on the Passion "What More Could He Have Done For You?"
"If everybody goes to Heaven when they die, then our God is a cruel God. 'Hey, I'm gonna put all of you on Earth, let some of you suffer a lot, but it'll all be OK because you will go to Heaven.'" That really struck me.

Fr. Larry has a great website The Reason For Our Hope Foundation
"What More Could He Have Done For You?"
"If everybody goes to Heaven when they die, then our God is a cruel God. 'Hey, I'm gonna put all of you on Earth, let some of you suffer a lot, but it'll all be OK because you will go to Heaven.'" That really struck me.

Well then why wouldn't he just create us all in heaven in the first place?

What exactly is this earth for, why do we live our lives here then die and go to heaven or hell in religion?

Why would an omnibenevolent God make certain a percentage of his own creations are to be tortured and tormented in the worst ways imaginable when he just as easily could have created everyone and everything without the existence or knowlege of evil, pain or suffering in the first place?

Thanks for your reply, I can already tell you're one of the smart believers, if that means anything.
In short, basing religion on ideologies that are the result of a 3,000 year old piece of literature with over 5,000 versions known in existence (all have differences) and thousands of HUMAN editors is ludicrous. That is like saying Homer's Odyssey is to be taken literally and followed zealously. We know about 2% of our universe with dark matter constituting most of the rest. The fact that the universe is incomprehensibly large and diverse, it is ignorant to believe we are the only lifeforms. If there ever were a God, he would have long since abandoned us for more intelligent forms of life. My point in that argument is that Christians believe in a relationship with the creator of all matter in the universe, which is stupid b/c we aren't on that level.

Turning into worm food just doesn't sit well with some people, thus the desire for eternal life. Besides, if God really were real and involved with humans, wouldn't he have pulled another Sodom & Gamorah, great flood, or other divinely-induced epidemic to whipe out the evil doer's as he did in the Old Testament? After all, He is supposed to be omnipotent, perfect, and never changing... Contradiction?

Great stuff to think about though.
Only way to know for sure is to be technically dead (no pulse) for a minute or so, then be revived. May I recommend sticking a wet appendage into an electrical socket? (don't do that, it's a hypothetical situation and not intended to be put into practice)

But if you do try it, let us know.
having been clinically dead for 15 minutes I can say yes there is. Learn your lessons in this life, be the steward of others and know your are from the source of pure unending love and are a child of this universe, - love is everything. I am only back here because they sent me back. I have more work to do. Needless to say i dont go to a "church". we and everything else is the church and the sermon and the celebration. that is how i live and what I know.
Fear has nothing to do with it.

Look to the stars. There's enough space out there for trillions upon trillions upon trillions of beings. There are millions of galaxies that contain millions of stars that can provide heat for millions of planets that can potentially produce/house life.

How much people can our planet hold? Well we have 6-8 billion right now, we could probably triple that and still have space. Now imagine an inhabitable planet the size of Jupiter. How much people would that hold?

Too large of a number to comprehend. Think about a planet the size of 5x our sun. You can't imagine how much people this universe can hold.

I'm just saying, if there is afterlife, we all have plenty of room to live for eternity. There is infinite amounts of planets. It's like the universe was created to be inhabited. It's a super massive space hotel. :blsmoke: