Recent content by Rolandomotaa

  1. Rolandomotaa

    1st Outdoor summertime grow 33.8 latitude, *Attention Outdoor Growers* please help

    Whats up fellow 33 lat grower. Ive had a few outdoor successes. Truth is outside is a different ball game when it comes to light. Ive grown indoors too btw. Outside it has to do more with the intensity of the sun. In order for your plants to grow they need at least 10-14 hours of direct above...
  2. Rolandomotaa

    Weirdest bud formation..

    BTW these plants were grown from feminized seeds so even though they're all sisters, they're NOT clones and identical. So I'm trying to track what I did different on this grow while doing tons of research and found something..... I switched fertilizer in this grow. I used to use fox farm but...
  3. Rolandomotaa

    Weirdest bud formation..

    What's weird is that at my location I'm getting 11hrs 20 min. 11 sec. Of daylight. According to my sun tracker application ...that means they were getting more than 12 hrs darkness. What the hell???
  4. Rolandomotaa

    White Widow buds "re-vegging" at 11 weeks?

    Hey ginnzy what ever happened to your plant phenomenon?? I got the same thing going. I've never seen anything like it.
  5. Rolandomotaa

    Weirdest bud formation..

    Bump bump bump
  6. Rolandomotaa

    Weirdest bud formation..

    Whats up, well I got a couple liberty hazes flowering outdoors. I have 3 phenos going on. One of the phenos is wayyyyy too different from the other ones and truthfully I don't know if it's a positive or negative thing check it out. The colas seem like they're fox tailing? Anybody out there...
  7. Rolandomotaa

    Rolandomotaa 's Plant Hormones Research Collection

    Just got done reading :thumbup: great info shaggyballs. I know this is a deep subject that requires lots of research and we're just scratching the surface. Just to reiterate what you said about timing. All plants go through different stages sometimes they'll be working on creating roots, axial...
  8. Rolandomotaa

    "So Cal- Winter" flowering in February? PROJECT JOURNAL

    What's up Rollitup. . Need your expertise put your judgement to the test. How many more days/weeks left before 90 % pistils turn Brown
  9. Rolandomotaa

    "So Cal- Winter" flowering in February? PROJECT JOURNAL

    The first pictures are the Bluebonic a week into taken outside. The rest of the pictures are of some other plants that are about a month away from being chopped off Bluebonic Liberty haze two phenos
  10. Rolandomotaa

    Rolandomotaa 's Plant Hormones Research Collection

    So has anybody notice how female plants "sense" the presence of a male plant in the room. Does having a male in the room, in a controlled fashion, help eliminate hermaphroditism. When all the males get yanked out of the room maybe some females sense it and feel the need to survive...
  11. Rolandomotaa

    Rolandomotaa 's Plant Hormones Research Collection

    Sent from my SM-N900T using Rollitup mobile app
  12. Rolandomotaa

    Rolandomotaa 's Plant Hormones Research Collection

    I didn't see a thread discussing this subject so I think it's about time we take it to the next level. This thread is intended to be a collection of combined collaboration to understand the plant we've all grown to love : Cannabis sativa. If any members out there have experienced some...
  13. Rolandomotaa

    "So Cal- Winter" flowering in February? PROJECT JOURNAL

    I appreciate the feedback fellas, I have them under 18,6 regimen indoors, have them veg for a month while LST them then take outdoors and have mother nature take over.... So fast so good I'll pay sum pics ASAP. .... Sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Makes me wanna move my dancing...
  14. Rolandomotaa

    "So Cal- Winter" flowering in February? PROJECT JOURNAL

    Outdoor experiment... So your saying the Bluebonic is not going to finish flowering? BTW according to my calculations within 60 days, the days are going to be 12/12. I've heard people flowering under a 13 /11 light regimen (13 hrs light) and finishing fine. What do you all think...
  15. Rolandomotaa

    add a pornography sub-forum

    I'm all for pussy and nipples but some how it has to be related to cannabis. Hmm a pussy doing the smoke trick now that's entertainment!! Sent from my SM-N900T using Rollitup mobile app