"So Cal- Winter" flowering in February? PROJECT JOURNAL


Active Member
Hi all,
I have a bluebonic female I just put outside to flower. The daylight length is 10 hrs 26min at the moment in 60 days the daylight length will be 12hrs 10min. The question is : Once the plant induces flowering will it continue flowering regardless of the day getting longer .? Or will it revert to vegging. ??? I mean technically speaking they're still getting a 12/12 schedule. Only difference is its increasing from 10 hrs to 12 hrs. How do you think the plant will react??? I'll try to update pics weekly.


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Well-Known Member
..It will slowly return to veg stage, continue in veg stage(to be fucking huge should you wish) or until you put her in a closet at supper time


Active Member
Outdoor experiment...
So your saying the Bluebonic is not going to finish flowering? BTW according to my calculations within 60 days, the days are going to be 12/12. I've heard people flowering under a 13 /11 light regimen (13 hrs light) and finishing fine. What do you all think??

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Active Member
I think it comes down to the strain. I have flowered plants outdoors in the spring even but direct light is a big factor. Shade can be used to help keep your plants in flower mode. Close to the end you might notice some signs of your plant reverting but it will be so close to chop it shouldn't matter.

Some keys to keep in mind to help you.

Try to keep the direct sun light consistent. So if you're actually get 10 hours on the plant move it so its shaded part of the day as the time increases.

Keep it out of the rain and damp weather. Morning dew might not completely dry from a cooler cloudy day (yes I realize we don't have many of these in socal) and thus you can get mold.

One question, what light schedule was your plan on when it was indoors? a 24/0 would be best for putting it outside at this time if you want it to flower.


Active Member
I appreciate the feedback fellas, I have them under 18,6 regimen indoors, have them veg for a month while LST them then take outdoors and have mother nature take over.... So fast so good I'll pay sum pics ASAP.

.... Sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Makes me wanna move my dancing feet...


Active Member
The first pictures are the Bluebonic a week into taken outside. The rest of the pictures are of some other plants that are about a month away from being chopped off

1392494582849.jpg1392494613351.jpg Bluebonic

Liberty haze two phenos


Active Member
What's up Rollitup. . Need your expertise put your judgement to the test. How many more days/weeks left before
90 % pistils turn Brown