1st Outdoor summertime grow 33.8 latitude, *Attention Outdoor Growers* please help


Active Member
Southern cali outdoor grow questions? 33.8 latitude

Hello fellow medical growers in California and all over the world.
I live In Southern California 33.8 latitude (at peak of summer i only get 14.2 hours of light a day.
I've been growing for about 4 years inside and have had great results (Some of the best meds I've ever had have come from my garden..)
This summer I'd like to try to grow a couple of "California monster" outdoor plants.
Since I've never grown outside in the summer months I have a couple of questions.
First thing to note is I will be growing from clones in 30 to 50 gallon pots.
My question is with the way the sunlight in the summer is here (peak 14.2 hours). When do I put my clones outside so that I can grow a 10 footer or bigger?
Most plants will flower in 14 ours of light.
How do I not shock the clone into flowering early?
Most clones are kept under 24/7 light. So I am concerned the switch from
24hrs daily to 14 hrs daily will trigger flowering and I will end up with tiny budded plants (not monsters )

I would love to hear your suggestions and or your tricks of the trade on growing outdoors.
How do you do it?
Any and all help is is welcome and much appreciated.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Clones have no vitality required for gross growth, you need that vitality for it to survive, but I ain't gonna stop you, just hoping you don't waste time and effort, and avoid any heavy sativa strains 34 north is Afgan Special country ....?


Active Member
If you mean that i should go with seeds then that can be done aswell. (but ill have to start them really soon im guessing?
I live in southern california anyone else in socal that grow outdoors during the summer?


Active Member
Whats up fellow 33 lat grower. Ive had a few outdoor successes. Truth is outside is a different ball game when it comes to light. Ive grown indoors too btw. Outside it has to do more with the intensity of the sun. In order for your plants to grow they need at least 10-14 hours of direct above sunlight that only spring and summer could give. In winter you might get lucky and get 8-11 hrs of direct sunlight but the intensity is much lower thats why they flower. What i suggest doing is instead of having them on on 24/0 schedule inside have them on 18/6 before you put them outside. That way the intesity of the sun makes up for those 4 hrs ur not getting. I can almost go out on a limb and say 1 hr of summer sun is equivalent to 2 hrs indoors hps. My two cents ...

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