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  • Hey. Saw your thread and looking to order four of those Meijiu 800 boards. The ones I want are the FOTOP-320H-1. Never ordered from alibaba before and the shipping calculator showed like $400USD for shipping to New York and from there it still has to get to me in Canada! I may have filled out the weight/volume specs wrong though. How much did it cost to ship yours? Do you know any tricks to get it shipped cheap?
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    Reactions: Moflow
    Wats up MustardTiger88
    Please excuse my late reply as I'm not too savvy when it comes to negotiating the RIU site lol I just saw your pm today......
    Did you get those boards?
    I'm in UK.
    I hear getting stuff into Canada can be expensive.
    With a fv of 184v you could wire 4 boards in parallel to a HLG-480H-C2100 :4= 525mA per board but thats only 400w. With a HLG-600H-2800 and all boards in parallel it would be 515w's.
    But you could also use 4 HLG-185H-C1050(4x 200w) or 2 HLG-320H-C1750(2x 322w). It's 1v above the HLG-320 specs but the over voltage protection only apply above 192v. So it does not matter.
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    Reactions: Moflow
    Thanks , that's the info I was looking.
    4 x 185s £200 ish
    1 x 600H £165 ish.
    Would I need anything else if running parallel instead of series or would it just be like the QBs?
    Fuses or such in case of thermal runaway?
    Upps, thats high! Is that for both channels in series? So 92v each channel? Is it possible to drive the channels in parallel?
    If the forward voltage is not more as 54volts you could use the HLG-480H-54A(or 600) in the CV/CC version and connect all the boards in parallel to the driver. The bigger CC version usually have very high voltages(easily to die) so maybe the better way to keep you wife always happy.
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    I'll get the wife to stand in a bucket of water whilst touching the light fixture with her tongue.
    That's the best way of testing ....... lol
    Whats the vf of these gg-boards?
    A HLG-480H-C2100 maybe for 2p2s or a HLG-600, but they are hard to get and sometime more expensive as 2 small drivers like HLG-240 or 2 HLG-320's.
    Ohh no! It was OMS which sent the test board not VW. I knew there was something wrong!
    Hope you get the same or only slightly badder results as with your QB-550 rig.
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    Well, there is hope as they are all made at the same factory.
    I haven't got 4 gg boards.... yet. Next week
    Couple of mates are chipping in for an mq500 apogee shortly. That might help.
    Can you think of a driver to run 4 gg boards tho?
    This is IMO the best way to get true 561c diodes S6/A1 bin at least untill they are spheere tested by a reputable lab.

    I also recommend to read what results cobkits gets from a no-name 561c board, the thread is only 3 pages long...

    Sorry, I have to split the text into a few posts because of the limitations. (400letters per post)
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    The QB288 135w kit i have is now a QB270.... a string is out
    But at least I've got warranty
    400 letters wtf? Lol
    Although I did try on several occasions to pm you but it won't let me.
    I thought you had me on ignore lol
    But I know how you come to real 561c diodes without paying more as for a gg-board!
    You could get 6 F-Series Strips(6x 72diodes) for the same money, that would be 432 diodes for about 60 $ if you take 25pcs. (25pcs = 250$ at Digikey, Arrow had a sale last week sells one strip at unbelievable $7.60).
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    Reactions: Moflow
    I've been looking at the threads on the strips.
    They look great.
    I'm a bit confused tho.

    Which company is post and package free for strips, Digikey?
    According to his statements, the latter consumes 400w, while the other consumes only 200w.
    All this makes him something implausible and I remain suspicious against these boards.
    All this makes him something implausible and I remain suspicious against these boards.
    VW makes a lot of contributions here, but I have not been able to recognize his true intension.
    He sometimes acts so incompetently, eg. when he claims an HLG-185H-c1050 with GG boards would consume only half as much power as an HLG-185H-C1400 with COB's.
    VW makes a lot of contributions here, but I have not been able to recognize his true intension.
    He sometimes acts so incompetently, eg. when he claims an HLG-185H-c1050 with GG boards would consume only half as much power as an HLG-185H-C1400 with COB's. According to his statements, the latter consumes 400w, while the other consumes only 200w.
    If it's really the same diode and the same binning(flux + voltage) then the gg-boards should outperform a QB with ease. But untill I've seen some spheere tests I don't think it's the same diode. VW have send a board to cobkits and the results suggest it's maybe only S5 bin or a complete other diode like 561b or b+.
    Maybe not even Samsung diodes?
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    Good news VW has sent a board to Cobkits for testing, although that's the first I've heard of that.
    I know OMS did.
    Think his was lower binned?
    But, as he said, so what , I've got them now, I'll just hang them a Bit closer.....
    Can't find in threads that VW has sent anything for testing...
    I'll fire him a message, see what's going on.
    Hey Moflow, whats up, mate? Have seen your post in the Sonoff thread...
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    Reactions: Moflow
    Thanks for replying my friend!,
    I have an HLG550 = 4 quantum boards, 288 diodes a board x 4 = 1152 diodes on a 20" x 26" heatsink, 515 watts at wall.
    This light replaces a 1000 watt SE HPS.
    if I had a growgreen board set up in the same shape as the hlg550 do you think if I was to run the gg boards at roughly 130 watts apiece, for 520 watts total it would replace a 1000 watt SE HPS too?
    1 x gg board = 384 diodes x 4 = 1536 diodes
    1 x QB = 288 diodes x 4 = 1152 diodes
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