Recent content by GrOGreeN2022

  1. G

    The Vault & Original Sensible Seeds - Giveaway!

    Auto wedding cake but all would be nice to grow :)
  2. G

    FREE TEST for INKBIRD WiFi Thermometer Hygrometer

    Sounds like you folks have created yet again another awesome product. Can't wait to hear back from yeah and hopefully have the oppirtunity to test out
  3. G

    FREE TEST for INKBIRD Seedling Heat Mat

    Was just about to start getting out my equipment for this years outdoor garden and that's one think I'm lacking and haven't used in all my years but definitely love the oppurtunity, can't wait to hear back from you folks
  4. G

    Win Pineapple Chunk 5 seeds - 2 Prizes from Gorilla SeedBank

    I should win so I can give em a grow in the new tent light setup that has been patiently awaiting for some A grade genetics to run . But on that note I hope and wish the best luck to everybody whom enters this inittowinit giveaway. I don't beleive there's any reason why someone should deserve it...
  5. G

    Win a 3 Pack of Anesia Seeds' *NEW* Auto Sleepy Joe!

    Auto rainbow donut and auto Betty look pretty slick and be privileged to give any auto or any Genetics created and or sold by you awesome folks !
  6. G

    Win a 3 pack of Anesia Seeds' *NEW* Rainbow Donut Auto

    Future islands, frozen black cherry, and fory #3 I'll have to add rainbow donut auto after checking it out and who resist with a name like that. Also thanks for throwing toether another awesome seed giveaway:)
  7. G

    Spider Farmer Giveaway in June, welcome to join us

    Canada, Best of luck to everybody and thanks for throwing together another awesome giveaway spiderfarmer
  8. G

    Spider Farmer Giveaway in May

    Canada ,I'd love to have a se3000 and so would my girls thanks #Spiderfarmerled
  9. G

    Win a 3 Pack of Anesia Seeds' *NEW* Frozen Black Cherry!

    Frozen Black Cherry I've been asking for you for a while so hopefully this draw you'll come on home to me(fingers crossed) best of luck everyone entering and also thanks for the week giveaway
  10. G

    Win A 3 Pack Of Anesia Seeds' *NEW* Future Island (34% THC!)

    Thanks for another awesome giveaway ! My pick still has to be Frozen Black Cherry! But any seeds from you guys would be super awesome to have
  11. G


    Who won the light
  12. G

    Hyphotonflux 420 giveaway

    @HYPHOTONFLUX I would love to win the light I sent you a message to make sure I enter the giveaway corectly
  13. G

    Yocan Giveaway is here! Welcome to Win Your Most Wanted Yocan Vaporizer! @Wattzzup @dr greenthumbs Ontario Canada