Hyphotonflux 420 giveaway


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to win this 420 giveaway. I'd love to have a big strong quality made led For my lady's. Check out the link and enter if you want your chance to win an awesome light.
My clone would flourish under a nice light like the @HYPHOTONFLUX pro 720
Three days till the big day! I'm not referring to the contest atm I'm referring to the day that I married the most beautiful awesome woman in my world. Our 3 year anniversary is coming up. We got married on 4/20/19 at 4:20pm. We met 6 years ago and it took me 3 years to vet her to make sure she was the one (I knew from the beginning she was gonna be my first and only wife). So I'm asking all you amazing growmies to show some love and help us win this light as an anniversary gift. If not for the great advice and help I got here that first grow would have been my last. Much love and respect to the whole RIU universe. Happy Easter to all.
Been about 65 days now she looking good. She foxtailed some because the big colas were closer to the light, I wanted enough light hitting down to the net. Would love to see what that #PRO720 would do! 20220418_234818.jpg20220418_234754.jpg20220418_234841.jpg20220418_234735.jpg
Last day, everyone smash that like button for me, please. I know I don't stand a chance especially since it's on other social media sites as well but I'm trying to put the effort in at least. Help a feller out lol.