I did start doing weighted pullups ... now I usually mix up my sets of no weighed and weighted together. At the moment I add 70lbs and try to do 8 to 10 reps . Then rest take a break then do no weights. A d see how many I can do .
Some days I focus on one arm pull up training. When I feel...
Lately my workouts have been 1 or 2 x a week weighted pullups I start with more than I can handle and still try above my max even if I can only do a half rep.. I start with 160 lbs of extra weight. Then take 10 lbs at a time and until the weight is gone doing as many reps I can at each weight...
It's all reefer madness propaganda the gov and corps never has been a fan of plant medicine. It's hard to make $$$$ on Rx pills and surgery , when you can grow your meds