Any other gym rats out there?

wife signed me up for a memorial 911 stair climb in sept...kicker is , she signed me up for the 5k before the climb,,straight from a 5k right to a stair climb.

she wasnt gunna tell me about the run...just happened to see the registration form

started 2 a days last week , all cardio based
Be careful ! When we older farts start racking up the years , physically demanding activities can lead to serious health problems . My neighbor , whose in his 60’s,
Was obsessed with working out , running and biking for hours on end , kayaking ,
windsurfing etc. He now has 3 stints in his heart . The doc told him that he's not in his 20's anymore and that these workouts have now have the opposite effect on
the body. I'm sure that you are a " rough and tumble " stoner dude " , but be careful,
you'd be missed .
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
competitive powerlifter here, ive been lifting for about the last 15 years and competing for the last 3, got a few state records, but I always smoke before and after, the amount of mental focus and painkilling will let you rage, but I get super paranoid about my beard smelling like my bong when I go lift lol. cannabis in general is a great PE imho but if we are gonna talk about real PEDs lets start a juice thread
I smoke before and after working out been doing that for over 25 years and love it
Because I'm old I get free at the YMCA but I have to catch a ride so I can only work out 30 minutes a day.

Do Cardio 3X a week and weights 2X a week.
TheGrassIsGreenerInAus said:
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)

I used to go to the gym. But I dont like people.......let alone those fucking meat heads more interested in the mirror than the weights.

I bought a bench /squat rack for 450 used.

A 5000 dollar cable machine used for only 900.

And those bowflex 90 pound adjustable dumbbells for 1000 plus a 5.1 bench for 200

All said and done cost me around 2500 cad to avoid my fellow man. And I couldn't be happier. :bigjoint:

Damn, that's a nice setup for 2.5k! I'm trying to get back into running and maybe prep for a half-marathon rn(local running shop has some practice/social runs for it, so I've started joining. Gotta say my legs ain't the same as used to be :bigjoint:
5k cable for 900? Hot damn that's a steal. Honestly, if you're not doing a top of isolation work - all you need is a good pair of dumbels/barbell with weights and an adjustable bench for incline work. Surprised squat rack was this cheap, last time I've checked most of those were like 600$ even used... It's probably the only reason I still go the gym(thank god local gym has 0 people when I get there after work.
I can go to YMCA for Free with Insurance.

I use to be up there 4 hours a day. I can no longer drive and have health issues so don't even bother.
I spent the second half of 2022 literally walking my ass off. Had lost 75 pounds by the beginning of 2023. Managed to completely lose all my momentum and motivation, so the weight's come back at an alarming rate. Feeling like more of a huge piece o' shit than usual this year. Fuck me, I need to figure out how to get my big ass back in gear.
Before I lost use of my Arm and Cancer. I was hunting, gardening and cutting Firewood. Plus going to the Gym it wasn't hard keeping it of.

I went to 305 my Doctor told me about it. I now weigh 235 but I'm stuck.
I spent the second half of 2022 literally walking my ass off. Had lost 75 pounds by the beginning of 2023. Managed to completely lose all my momentum and motivation, so the weight's come back at an alarming rate. Feeling like more of a huge piece o' shit than usual this year. Fuck me, I need to figure out how to get my big ass back in gear.
same here when the weather is nice i train every day, as soon as the winter comes i get depressed and slow/stop trening get a few kg people start telling me i changed then i force my selfe back in shape.and the cycle repeats each year.
maybe try preworkout first few days it helps maybe its placebo but it works to start out.and vitamin D it helped a shit tone
I took last winter off of the walking once it got cold and shitty enough here that I just didn't wanna go outside. Didn't want to spend the entire winter COMPLETELY inactive, so I started doing pushups. Was doing 1000 a week for about 6 months, but then it somehow managed to fuck up my left foot, so I stopped doing the pushups.

That was about the time the weather was getting nice enough to start walking again, so I did. Managed to walk most of June without too many problems, but then one day decided it was time to start doing some running. THAT seems to be what fucked me the most. After one day of running my left foot was just killing me and has been giving me problems still to this day. Was hoping a couple of months of rest would fix it, but something still ain't right. I WANT to be out walking, my body just doesn't seem to want to cooperate that much anymore.
I've been into fitness most of my life now really started when I was 18 I was 240 pounds no muscle . I started walk jogging and working out lost 75 pounds in 2 months. I went down to about 145 then from there I went up to about 155-165 is now my normal. I'm 37 I just learned the one arm pull up and chin up .. my goal is to get really good at one arm pull ups . I would like to do 10 reps or more on each side .. all I can do now is one rep on each side.
I'm not one of the guys doing bicep curls and looking at my pumps in the mirror but yeah, I have a membership at a gym. I used to be pretty deep into it but I'm active in a sport again so I go 3 times a week for a full body workout.
It's nice and relaxing. I smoke a bowl before the gym, always.
Before I lost use of my Arm and Cancer. I was hunting, gardening and cutting Firewood. Plus going to the Gym it wasn't hard keeping it of.

I went to 305 my Doctor told me about it. I now weigh 235 but I'm stuck.
Update I decided against Chemo doing Herbs. Started going to a Herblist and I'm still losing weight.

She said I would lose more.

I'm not to have Bleached Flour, no sugar, no Caffeine, nothing from a Can, no prepared Meals, no Store Bought Meat.

Bunch other stuff to take .
Wow! Glad I found this thread, what a cool idea.

I quit cannabis and alchohol in February this year, I was 18 and a half stone at 5'5, I've been on a 1500 calorie a day average diet since then and up until last month I'd lost 2 and a half stone, I started carnivore a month ago and today I'm 15 stone, I've been doing hypertrophy training 5-6 days a week and walking 5 sometimes 10 miles 5-6 days a week. I hit my pb bench press of 120kg about 6 weeks ago and 130 last week. I'd love to post progress pics but I have identifiable tattoos so that's a bummer.

just wanna say well done to everyone who manages to be a stoner and look after their health, for me it was too hard so something had to give, and I know this will be unpopular here but I don't think I'll ever have cannabis again.

keep up the good work everyone!
Lately my workouts have been 1 or 2 x a week weighted pullups I start with more than I can handle and still try above my max even if I can only do a half rep.. I start with 160 lbs of extra weight. Then take 10 lbs at a time and until the weight is gone doing as many reps I can at each weight.

Then during the other days of the week I do 20 full range blastic type of chin ups . And i take long breaks in-between but do that all day long throughout the day .. Im going to try and start doing 25 reps per set but that feels tuff at the moment.

Then some days I focus on one arm pull up training with a rope in one hand I can focus more one one of my arms at a time
I just took a break from smoking. I am doing weightlifting every other day, and riding my bike the other days. I think it's a great idea to take a break sometimes and focus on your health. Wishing everyone good health.