Any other gym rats out there?

Congrats on the bench Blue. I hit a PR a few weeks ago at 37 push-ups. I’ve done them off and on my whole life but have never really pushed myself. I’ve always been scared of the bench press lol.
Congrats on the bench Blue. I hit a PR a few weeks ago at 37 push-ups. I’ve done them off and on my whole life but have never really pushed myself. I’ve always been scared of the bench press lol.
Well done dude, have a look at deficit push ups, it's where your hands are raised off the ground slightly (on blocks or bricks or whatever you have) which allows your chest to travel past ur hands in the down position, allowing for a deeper stretch of the muscle, once you've mastered these the standard push-up will feel much easier. There's quite abit of science now showing the deep stretch is what stimulates muscle growth the most.
Well done dude, have a look at deficit push ups, it's where your hands are raised off the ground slightly (on blocks or bricks or whatever you have) which allows your chest to travel past ur hands in the down position, allowing for a deeper stretch of the muscle, once you've mastered these the standard push-up will feel much easier. There's quite abit of science now showing the deep stretch is what stimulates muscle growth the most.
That’s a good idea. I used to do that with dumbbells for the added couple inches. I’ll start doing that again, I only work out at home with dumbbells.
Ive become a big fan of calisthenics lately

+1 I'm hitting the bars in the park regularly now. I must say it's a very good workout.
My arms, back and shoulders are getting a good workout without having to spend much time
I can also work my abs with leg raises and then I go jogging for some cardio. Pretty based workout.
If gyms are getting you where you want to go , cool. It beats the hell out of sitting on your ass all day. Here, we say, " Move or die. " ( especially when ya start to get older ). I prefer the outdoors to get that body-hit. I also ensure that the exercise is just a bonus. All my exercise is the byproduct of outdoor activities that are f'ing fun.....X-crossing , ice-skating,ells like a dirty under ware clothes hamper. Oh yea, everything is covered with cooties ( solids, liquids and particulate).I'm not anti-gym . It's just that my gag-reflex has a very low threshold. Body building chews up a lot of f'ing time and energy. Hope you are having f'ing fun and getting to where you want to go.
Been working out today, the usual training in the park and some jogging.
Getting a little cold out there, but it was still enjoyable.
Been working out today, the usual training in the park and some jogging.
Getting a little cold out there, but it was still enjoyable.
Oh that fresh air ! As far as cold, I know if your moving and grooving you don't get cold. I've been out sub-sub weather a million times.never got cold, even worked up a sweat. I prefer the cold. It's so stimulating. Keep moving stoner dude, lethargy is a killer.
Oh that fresh air ! As far as cold, I know if your moving and grooving you don't get cold. I've been out sub-sub weather a million times.never got cold, even worked up a sweat. I prefer the cold. It's so stimulating. Keep moving stoner dude, lethargy is a killer.

Yes sir, a little warm-up and you're pretty much good to go.
I do perform better in cooler temperatures, so yea I also start to prefer it to the summer heat.
39 push-ups last night ! That was after a sets of 20 & 25 and a few with my 6 year old on my back! So pumped lmao.
Anyone eat plain Greek yogurt? I bought a tub a few days ago it’s not very good. I may just stick to the flavoured.
Anyone eat plain Greek yogurt? I bought a tub a few days ago it’s not very good. I may just stick to the flavoured.

Put some strawberries or marmelade in it, surely will taste better.
You can make a joghurt with cornflakes and fruits as well.
Well done dude, have a look at deficit push ups, it's where your hands are raised off the ground slightly (on blocks or bricks or whatever you have) which allows your chest to travel past ur hands in the down position, allowing for a deeper stretch of the muscle, once you've mastered these the standard push-up will feel much easier. There's quite abit of science now showing the deep stretch is what stimulates muscle growth the most.

I like to do Handstand Pushups, on Blocks. Im 66, and have beem doing them as part of my regular shoulder workout, since 1978.
I got all of Arnolds traing books, in 1978, and he recommended doing Only Bodyweight Exercises, for the 1st 6 months, and Handstands, with No Blocks, were one the list of an exercise to be included in the basic program. So I kept doing them, and started using blocks, in the early 80s, and also using either a weighted vest, or weights tied around a belt, which is tricky.
Im 5'5", and weigh 148lbs, 66 years old, and do 5 sets of 5, with 175lbs, on Seated Behind Neck Press. I dont go under 44-5 reps anymore. My best ever Bench in the 80s, in Ky AAU Powerlifting, at 148lbs was 321lbs, at 148lbs. Squat 425lbs, and Deadlifted, 485. Steroid free. And could also run a 4:17 Mile. Have run a 2 hours 38 minute Marathon, and 8 x 50 mile Ultra Marathons-Cross Country, under 7 hours for each one. Now, I dont run more than 12 miles, and only certain times of the year. I cycle all of my training, generally into 10 week cycles. 1 week off, after each 10 week cycle. In Spring- Summer, I run more, lift lighter, more reps, but, much less, to No Rest. Just because its not nearly as heavy, dosent mean, its going to be easy. Though I do higher reps, I still make it extremely challenging. Like Squatting 145lbs,-Bodyweight- 100-125 times, in one set. Or using No Weights, and doing 1000 Squats, in 1 set, in less then 55 minutes. Full, Ass to the Ground, Tom Platz Squats.
Im one of the odd birds, that likes to run, as much as I like to lift. Few lifters like to run as much as me. Up to 50 miles a week-used to go 100+, and few Runners, like to lift like I do.
I pay extreme attention, to Functional Exercises, and, try and do lots of explosive, jumping type/plyometrics, to keep the fast twitch fibers, on alert. These are the fibers, that are the first to go. Speed, balance, agility are all on the downside, as we age, so I try, and have always tried, to keep these fibers activated the most, though, I am more mentally geared to grind it out, endurance type workouts, with little, to no rest, while still trying to keep the weights as heavy as possible. While still keeping up my running milage. I run no less than 21 miles a week, and that is during heavier weight sessions. At 66, I can still run a sub 6 minute mile. 5:35. Record for my age group, is about 1 minute faster. Record for an 80 years old, is till 5 seconds faster than me!!! Theres hope for me to improve yet!!!
My main goal was when I was younger, I always aid I would still like to Squat-Bench-Deadlift 300lbs, and run a 6 minute mile, when I was 65, and I have surpassed that. While I dont do singles anymore, I got 275, ( Bench ) for 5, so, I know I can hit 300lbs.
I like to do Rope climbing, with Hands/Grip only, and keeping legs, straight out in front, and go up, and down a 15 foot rope, until failure,
Actually what I mainly do, is.
I live next to a park, a nice 50 acre park. So, I run 1/4 mile around part of the park. On sidewalk. Then, I go into the grass, and run 600 feet, to the handbars, and do Pullups, until Failure, I then, do hanging leg raises-straight legs, toes, to the bar, until failure. Run over to the Monkey bars, and there is a perfect place to do Dips. Do Dips, until Failure.
Run over to the Swings. Sit down on the ground, legs extended, with the supporting bar of the swing, between legs, and it is at an angle. While trying to grip, as low as possible, and still be able to pull yourself, with straight legs, and grip only. Go up, and down the pole, as many times as possible, until failure. Then run/jog at this point, 4 blocks-1200 feet- through the park, and there is a tree, I do Handstand Pushups against. 1 set until failure. Run 300 feet, do 1 set, close grip pushups-failure. Run 600 feet to Par Course. Do 6 skin the cats, on rings, no rest, hanging leg raises, on ring, then, pullups, no rest, then Dips, no rest, then, run/jog ect, back out to the side walk, 150 feet-and run another 1/2 mile, to the starting point. Repeat.
You are in Phenomenal Shape, if you can do this 4 times, in less than an hour. I can, at 66 years of age. This is part of my Spring-Summer Cycle. Fall-Winter, I train heavier, much more rest, and way less miles. Back in the 80s, I had one buddy that was a Navy Seal, and another a marine, fresh out of Camp Lejune boot camp, and I wore both of them out with this routine.
Im also still good for at least 20, Thumbs Only Pushups. With Fingers Extended, NOT IN A FIST. I could do Thumb Pushups, the first time I ever tried them, in the early 80s. I was arguing with an older guy, who was into Shotokan, and was a brown belt. He was half Japanes/native American. His mom, was deadly with nunchucka, and taught him, and his brothers how to use them, at an early age. His other brother, just passed, and was an instructor, for 30+ years under Danny Lane.
But he was arguing about weights no heloing in martial arts, and I told him bullshit. His favorite MA was Mas Oyama, who is considered the greatest of all time. But I showed him Mas, lifted weights, rocks, logs,,,, and he also loved Bruce Lee, and I showed him photos of Bruce lifting weights, and that Bodybuilder, Vince Gironda, trained Bruce for a bit, at Vinces Gym, in Oakland, in the 60s. And set up Bruces first weight program. And Bruce, was as strong a a bull, for his weight. He is on record as holding straight out in front of himself 129lbs, while weighing 135lbs, and held it for 10 seconds. No Strongman on earth, can come anywhere near that. Strongman cant hold 1/2 their bodyweight straight out. Bruce could basically hold his bodyweight, in front of himself, on a bar.
Bruce, was the one I got the idea of doing Thumbs Only pushups from. And also, Chinese pushups.
Chinese Pushups are done by?
Stand stright up, legs Locked. Come down with hands, in a Diamond formation, legs locked, and put the Butt of you hands, in contact with the front of your toes. Then, go 2 more hands out/// legs still locked, Diamond Position for hand placement, and then., put your face, down into the diamond, legs still locked. I can still do 20. Its a hell of a Triceps workout, and you wont be able to do them, of one hasnt been doing a good deal of stretching, or naturally flexible. I also do Stretching at least 1 hour, everyday. Some before workout, and then, before bed, usually watching TV, and concentrate on Low Back, Stomach, Obliques, Achilles Tendons. These are my main focus, and always have been. Im also a fanatic, on ab work. Not just for a 6 pack, but for Function, and power. Most of your power, really cones from your Lower Stomach, and Breathing. Coming up, out of the Extreme Low Position of the Squat, is one hell of a lot of abs. My main Ab exercise, is pushing a heavy car, for 1/4 mile 1x, every 7 days. Can is a 1966 Buick Electra 225. Its a Beast, and No, I cannot push it, Nonstop. No Fkn way. This will make you puke, especially in the summer heat. Its hot, and humid, here in the Ohio Valley, in summer. Im not above, pushing myself, until I puke. Especially on sprints. I also love Suscide Drills, as done in Basketball. I do them mainly for the core workout. Up and down, up and down, and is also Functional.
I also practice getting up, and down out of the floor, with No Hands. I do 50 reps, one set. 3x a week, usually as a warmup. I also like to get into the Whirlpool, for 8-10 minutes, as a warmup, before stretching, and exercising, but am careful to not do too much, and take water to drink, even as I sit, in the tub. Stay until I have a good sweat. I also keep my hands, and arms, underwater, which makes one, much hotter, than casually having the arms out of the water. Makes the extremities, hotter.
I also do something I got off of the Russians, in the 80s.
To increase Natural Growth Hormone?
Get in a Sauna, for 6 minutes, and then, quickly, get into the coldest shower possible, for 3 minutes. Repeat 2-4 times.
Take Arginine-Ornithine, and L- Tryptophane, before bed. Arginine, and Ornithine, are Precursors to Growth Hormone, and GH, is released, when you are asleep, and when you are Cold. Thus the reason, for alternating the Sauna, and Cold Shower. You get hot, and then freeze yourself to death. The colder, the better. Ice bath, even better.
A-O, are precusor's to GH, and L Tryptophan, makes you sleep deeper, so, in theory, they all 3, work together. Deeper you sleep, the more GH you produce. Ornithine-Arginine, help manufacture, GH.
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I like to do Handstand Pushups, on Blocks. Im 66, and have beem doing them as part of my regular shoulder workout, since 1978.
I got all of Arnolds traing books, in 1978, and he recommended doing Only Bodyweight Exercises, for the 1st 6 months, and Handstands, with No Blocks, were one the list of an exercise to be included in the basic program. So I kept doing them, and started using blocks, in the early 80s, and also using either a weighted vest, or weights tied around a belt, which is tricky.
Im 5'5", and weigh 148lbs, 66 years old, and do 5 sets of 5, with 175lbs, on Seated Behind Neck Press. I dont go under 44-5 reps anymore. My best ever Bench in the 80s, in Ky AAU Powerlifting, at 148lbs was 321lbs, at 148lbs. Squat 425lbs, and Deadlifted, 485. Steroid free. And could also run a 4:17 Mile. Have run a 2 hours 38 minute Marathon, and 8 x 50 mile Ultra Marathons-Cross Country, under 7 hours for each one. Now, I dont run more than 12 miles, and only certain times of the year. I cycle all of my training, generally into 10 week cycles. 1 week off, after each 10 week cycle. In Spring- Summer, I run more, lift lighter, more reps, but, much less, to No Rest. Just because its not nearly as heavy, dosent mean, its going to be easy. Though I do higher reps, I still make it extremely challenging. Like Squatting 145lbs,-Bodyweight- 100-125 times, in one set. Or using No Weights, and doing 1000 Squats, in 1 set, in less then 55 minutes. Full, Ass to the Ground, Tom Platz Squats.
Im one of the odd birds, that likes to run, as much as I like to lift. Few lifters like to run as much as me. Up to 50 miles a week-used to go 100+, and few Runners, like to lift like I do.
I pay extreme attention, to Functional Exercises, and, try and do lots of explosive, jumping type/plyometrics, to keep the fast twitch fibers, on alert. These are the fibers, that are the first to go. Speed, balance, agility are all on the downside, as we age, so I try, and have always tried, to keep these fibers activated the most, though, I am more mentally geared to grind it out, endurance type workouts, with little, to no rest, while still trying to keep the weights as heavy as possible. While still keeping up my running milage. I run no less than 21 miles a week, and that is during heavier weight sessions. At 66, I can still run a sub 6 minute mile. 5:35. Record for my age group, is about 1 minute faster. Record for an 80 years old, is till 5 seconds faster than me!!! Theres hope for me to improve yet!!!
My main goal was when I was younger, I always aid I would still like to Squat-Bench-Deadlift 300lbs, and run a 6 minute mile, when I was 65, and I have surpassed that. While I dont do singles anymore, I got 275, ( Bench ) for 5, so, I know I can hit 300lbs.
I like to do Rope climbing, with Hands/Grip only, and keeping legs, straight out in front, and go up, and down a 15 foot rope, until failure,
Actually what I mainly do, is.
I live next to a park, a nice 50 acre park. So, I run 1/4 mile around part of the park. On sidewalk. Then, I go into the grass, and run 600 feet, to the handbars, and do Pullups, until Failure, I then, do hanging leg raises-straight legs, toes, to the bar, until failure. Run over to the Monkey bars, and there is a perfect place to do Dips. Do Dips, until Failure.
Run over to the Swings. Sit down on the ground, legs extended, with the supporting bar of the swing, between legs, and it is at an angle. While trying to grip, as low as possible, and still be able to pull yourself, with straight legs, and grip only. Go up, and down the pole, as many times as possible, until failure. Then run/jog at this point, 4 blocks-1200 feet- through the park, and there is a tree, I do Handstand Pushups against. 1 set until failure. Run 300 feet, do 1 set, close grip pushups-failure. Run 600 feet to Par Course. Do 6 skin the cats, on rings, no rest, hanging leg raises, on ring, then, pullups, no rest, then Dips, no rest, then, run/jog ect, back out to the side walk, 150 feet-and run another 1/2 mile, to the starting point. Repeat.
You are in Phenomenal Shape, if you can do this 4 times, in less than an hour. I can, at 66 years of age. This is part of my Spring-Summer Cycle. Fall-Winter, I train heavier, much more rest, and way less miles. Back in the 80s, I had one buddy that was a Navy Seal, and another a marine, fresh out of Camp Lejune boot camp, and I wore both of them out with this routine.
Im also still good for at least 20, Thumbs Only Pushups. With Fingers Extended, NOT IN A FIST. I could do Thumb Pushups, the first time I ever tried them, in the early 80s. I was arguing with an older guy, who was into Shotokan, and was a brown belt. He was half Japanes/native American. His mom, was deadly with nunchucka, and taught him, and his brothers how to use them, at an early age. His other brother, just passed, and was an instructor, for 30+ years under Danny Lane.
But he was arguing about weights no heloing in martial arts, and I told him bullshit. His favorite MA was Mas Oyama, who is considered the greatest of all time. But I showed him Mas, lifted weights, rocks, logs,,,, and he also loved Bruce Lee, and I showed him photos of Bruce lifting weights, and that Bodybuilder, Vince Gironda, trained Bruce for a bit, at Vinces Gym, in Oakland, in the 60s. And set up Bruces first weight program. And Bruce, was as strong a a bull, for his weight. He is on record as holding straight out in front of himself 129lbs, while weighing 135lbs, and held it for 10 seconds. No Strongman on earth, can come anywhere near that. Strongman cant hold 1/2 their bodyweight straight out. Bruce could basically hold his bodyweight, in front of himself, on a bar.
Bruce, was the one I got the idea of doing Thumbs Only pushups from. And also, Chinese pushups.
Chinese Pushups are done by?
Stand stright up, legs Locked. Come down with hands, in a Diamond formation, legs locked, and put the Butt of you hands, in contact with the front of your toes. Then, go 2 more hands out/// legs still locked, Diamond Position for hand placement, and then., put your face, down into the diamond, legs still locked. I can still do 20. Its a hell of a Triceps workout, and you wont be able to do them, of one hasnt been doing a good deal of stretching, or naturally flexible. I also do Stretching at least 1 hour, everyday. Some before workout, and then, before bed, usually watching TV, and concentrate on Low Back, Stomach, Obliques, Achilles Tendons. These are my main focus, and always have been. Im also a fanatic, on ab work. Not just for a 6 pack, but for Function, and power. Most of your power, really cones from your Lower Stomach, and Breathing. Coming up, out of the Extreme Low Position of the Squat, is one hell of a lot of abs. My main Ab exercise, is pushing a heavy car, for 1/4 mile 1x, every 7 days. Can is a 1966 Buick Electra 225. Its a Beast, and No, I cannot push it, Nonstop. No Fkn way. This will make you puke, especially in the summer heat. Its hot, and humid, here in the Ohio Valley, in summer. Im not above, pushing myself, until I puke. Especially on sprints. I also love Suscide Drills, as done in Basketball. I do them mainly for the core workout. Up and down, up and down, and is also Functional.
I also practice getting up, and down out of the floor, with No Hands. I do 50 reps, one set. 3x a week, usually as a warmup. I also like to get into the Whirlpool, for 8-10 minutes, as a warmup, before stretching, and exercising, but am careful to not do too much, and take water to drink, even as I sit, in the tub. Stay until I have a good sweat. I also keep my hands, and arms, underwater, which makes one, much hotter, than casually having the arms out of the water. Makes the extremities, hotter.
I also do something I got off of the Russians, in the 80s.
To increase Natural Growth Hormone?
Get in a Sauna, for 6 minutes, and then, quickly, get into the coldest shower possible, for 3 minutes. Repeat 2-4 times.
Take Arginine-Ornithine, and L- Tryptophane, before bed. Arginine, and Ornithine, are Precursors to Growth Hormone, and GH, is released, when you are asleep, and when you are Cold. Thus the reason, for alternating the Sauna, and Cold Shower. You get hot, and then freeze yourself to death. The colder, the better. Ice bath, even better.
A-O, are precusor's to GH, and L Tryptophan, makes you sleep deeper, so, in theory, they all 3, work together. Deeper you sleep, the more GH you produce. Ornithine-Arginine, help manufacture, GH.
Just WOW hats off to you my friend, I bet you run circles around most kids these days, heck you can run circles around me! A lot of great info in this post and if you don't mind I'm gonna shoot you a PM. Really mate keep it up, this is fantastic, my dad is 56 and can barely move! I'm gonna show him your post.
Just WOW hats off to you my friend, I bet you run circles around most kids these days, heck you can run circles around me! A lot of great info in this post and if you don't mind I'm gonna shoot you a PM. Really mate keep it up, this is fantastic, my dad is 56 and can barely move! I'm gonna show him your post.
Much is dependent, on injuries through the years. Some arent lucky. Old, seemingly nonsignificant injuries, can come back to haunt you, as you age. Arthritis. Some get it, some dont. Ive got a 73 years old buddy who does nothing, and also has ZERO Aches, or Pains!!!
Also there is a condition known as Sarcopenia. We all will experience it.
Starting around 30 years of age, we start losing muscle mass at the rate of .5%--around 1% per year. Consider in 30 years, by the time one is 60, youve lost up to almost 30% of your lean muscle mass. The ONLY way to slow this down, is weight bearing exercises, as per lifting weights, is the easiest form of protection. Wont stop it, but will greatly reduce muscle loss, due to sarcopenia.
I read a paper one time, written by a doctor on aging.
He said he would recommend concentrating on Cardiovascular exercises, while younger, and not saying not to lift weights, but emphasis should be a bit more towards cardio benefit.
Then said as we age, should concentrate more, on muscle building.