Recent content by Blackberry Smoke

  1. B

    Super Silver Haze / Jack Herer Smoke reports? ->

    This should probably be in the seed and strain review section. This is smoke reports, please let us know what it smokes like when you're done
  2. B

    Anesthesia Pyramid seeds (Spanish co.) grow and smoke

    Tut is my favorite smoke that I've grown and smoked so far. I have one at about three weeks of flower right now. Powerful and the buzz is very sociable if you don't smoke to much
  3. B

    What causes foxtailing?

    This is the second time grown Green Love Potion and it has foxtailed both time. Don't think it's heat
  4. B

    What causes foxtailing?

    Is this just a strain thing? Or is the plant not happy?
  5. B

    Hazey Grapes

    Merry Christmas Brothers and sisters
  6. B

    Thinking about growing "DinaChem": anyone try this? Opinions welcome.

    Most of these forum arguments would never happen if the same discussion were to take place face to face. Tone is lost in writing, so every thing is taken literally.
  7. B

    favorite fruity strains?

    I know, he's burnt
  8. B

    favorite fruity strains?

    I've read Hazey's posts, and I think he must be smoking some really good weed or has smoked a bunch of dank in the past
  9. B

    anybody know..

    There's a thread on this strain
  10. B

    Barney Farms LSD

    I just smoked another small bud, the taste isn't there yet, but I can tell it's going to be a good tasting smoke. There are some chemical undertones to the lemon skunk smell, I kind of like that. Glad to see you had some pain relief with it, that's a plus for me also.
  11. B

    Barney Farms LSD

    That sounds like my plant. Smoked a couple of popcorn buds with a few friends the other night and we all got fucked up!! How's the taste once cured
  12. B

    Hello. Side by side grow. 2 strains. 2 nutrients.

    I chopped Pure Kush last week. Don't usually weigh it, but I would say about 2.5 zips. Buds looked a lot like yours.. Haven't tried it yet, about two more weeks in the jar and we'll see how it smokes
  13. B

    What's the frostiest strain you've grown? Pics welcome.

    Hey Express, how does that blackberry smoke and was it a from seed strain. My favorite band is blackberry smoke and I'd like to see why they named the band after that strain.