Recent content by AlphaNoN

  1. AlphaNoN

    Skunk Day 2 of flower

    Male :cry: Sorry for your luck.. See attached picture for future reference.
  2. AlphaNoN

    BART Police kill unarmed man

    Oscar Grant wasn't killed, he was executed.
  3. AlphaNoN

    lets talk israel

    Insofar as Israel's borders extend from the Jordan Valley to the Mediterranean Sea -- the de-facto situation for over 36 years -- then the state of Israel currently consists of a population of over 9 million people, 3.5 million of whom cannot vote. De-facto, then, Israel is not a democracy...
  4. AlphaNoN

    lets talk israel

    There's about 1.5 million people in Gaza, they have a right to live peaceful lives regardless of the crimes that the fringes of their society commit. Israel is punishing the whole of Gaza for crimes that few commit. Whichever way you lean, that is not an acceptable course of action.
  5. AlphaNoN

    Illinois Governer cuffed and stuffed......

    From 2006, Not photoshoppery btw.
  6. AlphaNoN

    what the hell happened in here?

    Fallout 3 for the win. Started playing November 6, and I haven't looked back :joint:
  7. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    Those that care wait with bated breath for the fallout from the bailouts, those that don't care or don't know are carrying on, business as usual. I would consider the latter a majority, it hasn't effected them to a great degree, some have tightened their belts, but only those that were on the...
  8. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    The prison industrial complex is alive and well in U.S., the profit margins are apparently phenomenal for private prisons; very little overhead (being mostly/entirely subsidized by the government), high demand for cheap labor, and an endless supply of non-violent drug offenders to fill that...
  9. AlphaNoN

    MU researcher finds most mainstream media contain liberal bias

    As if Rupert Murdoch (Fox), Michael Eisner, General Electric, Time-Warner AOL, Monsanto, and Viacom are owned and operated by liberals... Not only are these folks ultra-conservatives, but the people they hire to voice their opinions are so far to the right, they give independent journalism a...
  10. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    He knew what he was getting into. His two previous convictions and jail sentences show that much. I would respect the man for his convictions had he martyred only himself, but he has drug countless others into a legal nightmare under false pretenses in order to make a tax free buck on book...
  11. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    In that aspect he's right. Federal judges are the gatekeepers of justice and they are dispensing it with an ever increasing political bias. There are only a handful of people who have avoided criminal (but not civil) penalties by convincing a jury that they were too stupid or delusional to...
  12. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    The law is the 16th amendment. There it is. Pay taxes on your income or go to jail. The courts will provide no redress for your complaints, they are a part of the system you are protesting.
  13. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    I have seen both clips in Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism". Which details Mr. Schiff's story. Who, by the way, is currently serving a 13+ year prison sentence for tax fraud. The man is (was?) just trying to sell books. But all semantics aside; the United States legal system will...
  14. AlphaNoN

    How long can clones stay in clone dome for?

    They will simply outgrow the confines of the dome given enough time. That time depends on the dimensions of your cloner. You may also have trouble with tangled roots if your clones are allowed to grow next to one another for an extended period.
  15. AlphaNoN

    Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?

    I have watched the video, and his argument (more or less) hinged on the legitimacy of the 16th amendment. The problem is that the 16th amendment has been challenged (several times) and has been upheld in all cases. The precedent has been set by the Supreme Court, for better or worse, that it is...